Flender mechanical power transmission couplings available from jbj Techniques Limited

www.jbj.co.uk/couplings.html#flender Selection of the Coupling Size The torque load of the coupling must be determined from the output of the driven machine and the coupling speed. Rated coupling load T = 9550 x P / n N N N (T in Nm; P in kW; n in rpm) N N N The rated coupling load obtained in this way must be multiplied by factors and compared with the rated coupling torque. An ideal but expensive method is to measure the torque characteristic on the coupling. For this, Flender offers special adapters fitted with torquemeasuring devices. The rated coupling torque T is the continuous torque that can be transmitted when the load is applied statically and at KN room temperature. Application factors are to express the deviation of the real coupling load from the "ideal" load condition. Coupling Load inContinuousOperation The operating principles of the driving and driven machines are divided into categories and the application factor FB derived from these in accordance with DIN 3990-1. Application factor for N-EUPEX, N-EUPEX-DS, RUPEX, N-BIPEX, ELPEX-B, N-ARPEX, ARPEX, ZAPEX and FLUDEX Examples of torque characteristic of driving machines: Electric motors with soft starting, steam turbines. uniform: Electric motors without soft starting, hydraulic motors, gas and uniform with moderate shock loads: water turbines. Internal-combustion engines. non uniform: Examples of torque characteristic in driven machines: Generators, centrifugal pumps for light fluids. uniform: Centrifugal pumps for viscous fluids, elevators, machine tool uniform with moderate shock loads: drives, centrifuges, extruders, blowers, crane drives. Excavators, kneaders, conveyor systems, presses, mills. non uniform: Crushers, excavators, shredders, iron/smelting machinery. very rough: Application factor FB Torque characteristic of the Torque characteristic of the driving machine driven machine Uniform Uniform Variable Widely Variable uniform 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 uniform with moderate shock loads 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 non uniform 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.5 14 #DriveLineHarmony Coupling Size Selection Mechanical Power Transmission Couplings