Torsional couplings available from jbj Techniques Limited

TORSIONAL COUPLINGS ® HYTREL ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS 26 Procedure 1a) Sizes 30,50 and 110 Bolt flexible element with aluminium inserts to be secured axially, to flanged hub, adaptor plate or flywheel. 1b) Sizes 8, 16, 25 and 140 Screw the axial bushes onto flanged hub, adaptor plate or flywheel. 2) Install cylindrical hub on shaft (e.g. pump shaft). In the case of a clamping hub, tighten clamping screws to torque specified in the table opposi te. 3) Screw aluminium inserts, to be secured radially, onto cylindrical hub. Then with sizes 8, 16, 25 and 140 push flexible element onto hub. If the inserts are already assembled onto the hub do not disassemble. 4) When cylindrical hub has been installed and radial aluminium inserts (and with sizes 8, 16, 25 and 140 flexible element) have been screwed on, push together axially with driven unit. (eg. pump). Throughout the above procedure, attention must be paid to the following points: a) The socket head cap screws (DIN 912, Inbus Plus), securing the axial and radial coupling components to the hub or flywheel, must be tightened with a torque wrench to the torque setting shown in the table opposite. b) In order to reduce the high friction between the screwhead and the aluminium insert, apply a small amount of grease under the head of the screw before assembly. c) Important. Ensure that when the radial inserts are being mounted on the cylindrical hub, they are not rotated by the screws, but stay in position, so that the cylindrical surfaces of the hub and the aluminium inserts are fully in contact with each other. d) Use only the “Inbus Plus” screws suppl ied with the coupl ing. These screws can be identified by a blue substance on the thread. This contains some microencapsulated adhesive, which bonds the screws in the thread and thereby reliably ensures that the screws wi l l not loosen. If for any reason these screws are not available, the screws that are used must be locked carefully into position with another adhesive (eg. Loctite or Omnifit). e) The webbed side of the element must be placed towards the flanged hub, adaptor plate or flywheel. Size 8 16 25 30 50 110 140 Fastening screws, axial and radial Inbus Plus DIN 912 Tightening Torque TA Nm 6 off M10 X 30 50 6 off M12 X 35 90 6 off M14 X 40 140 6 off M16 X 50 220 8 off M16 X 50 220 8 off M18 X 55 300 8 off M20 X 50 500 L - LOC Clamping Screws DIN 915 Tightening Torque TA Nm M 10 30 M 12 50 M14 70 M16 120 M 16 120 M16 120 M20 200 #DriveLineHarmony