S-FLEX COUPLINGS 08 21 www.jbj.co.uk/s-flex-couplings.html
Advantages of the Lovejoy S-Flex Coupling The simple design of the S-Flex coupling ensures ease of assembly and reliable performance. No special tools are needed for installation or removal. SFlex couplings can be used in a wide variety of applications. » Easy to Install » Maintenance Free » No Lubrication required » Dampens Vibration and Controls Shock » Torsionally Soft » Double Engagement Lovejoy Reformulates S-Flex Endurance™Couplings to Last 3X Longer Lovejoy is pleased to announce it has redesigned its S-Flex Shear Type coupling product tomake it the highest quality and longest lasting offering available in the marketplace. Lovejoy engineers reconfigured the material and have delivered a new and improved, longer lasting EPDM rubber sleeve. Lovejoy is introducing the redesigned product as “S-Flex Endurance™Couplings” to signify the increased longevity and other performance improvements. Shear type or sleeve type couplings originated in the 1950s and is a popular choice for pump and other uniform load applications where it gained early acceptance and has grown across many industries including wastewater, paper/pulp, marine, power, and steel. The shear type coupling is a very simple design and is comprised of two flanges and one sleeve. The torque is transmitted through the twisting of the elastomeric sleeve. The shear type coupling virtually eliminates the load on bearings and shafts and is excellent with vibration dampening. As with other elastomeric couplings, it is a lowmaintenance and non-lubricated coupling option. The reconfigured S-Flex Endurance™ coupling design has undergone extensive dynamic cycling testing by Lovejoy. The results of this testing prove the new and improved S-Flex Endurance™ EPDM material provides higher performance and enhanced durability than its previous iteration and is now the best performing brand available in themarketplace, lasting at least three times longer than before. S-Flex Endurance™ sleeve’s static and dynamic torsional stiffness tested at least 30% greater than the former Lovejoy material and out-performed the current competition. The Lovejoy product operated with more resilience and consequently less heat build-up than the previous material as well as the competitive products. Furthermore, post-test inspections showed the new sleeves are very durable under these extreme test conditions, as they maintained their tooth shape and displayedminimal wear. Improved EPDM’s S-Flex Endurance™Sleevematerial “key” features: Durability – Lovejoy estimates the new and improved material will be able to last at least three times longer than before. A longer service life is provided even at higher torque ratings. There is also a noticeable abrasion resistance improvement. Resilience – The rebound characteristics are significantly improved. The new Lovejoy sleeve material absorbs less frictional heat than the current competition. This heat build-up advantage leads to less wear andminimizes the possibility of coupling failure. Strength – The higher torsional stiffness corresponds with the elastomer’s overall increased toughness (tensile strength and tear strength). This allows many applications to use a smaller, less expensive coupling and still achieve the same torque rating. Heat Resistance – The sleeve’s temperature rises during operation due to the hysteretic behavior of rubber. The new sleeves exhibited fast heat dissipation and maintained a lower temperature than the competition at the same dynamic cyclic test conditions. The decrease in heat generation leads to a longer service life. Recovery – Resistance to permanent deformation as well as its elastic recovery has improved. The new and improved S-Flex Endurance™ coupling will continue to work well on electric motor driven applications with uniform loads such as centrifugal pumps, blowers and fans, screw compressors, some conveyors, line shafts, and vacuumpumps. Product UPCs have remained unchanged so components can be ordered with the same codes customers are accustomed to using. www.jbj.co.uk/s-flex-couplings.html #DriveLineHarmony
Page Mechanical Power Transmission S-Flex Couplings Contents Overview...............................................4 Elastomerdesigns...........................................5 Selectionprocess...........................................6 Applicationservicefactors/selectiondata. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Performancedata...........................................8 Inchboreandkeyway..........................................9 Standard sleeve, J and S type metric bore/keyway selection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 FlangestypeJ,SC,SCH&SCHS.....................................11 S-Flexperformanceratings........................................12 S-FlexEndurance™sleevetypes.....................................13 J type flanges and J type couplings dimensions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 STypedimensionaldata(inches).....................................15 STypedimensionaldata(metric).....................................16 STypeshallowkeydimensionaldata(inches) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 STypeshallowkeydimensionaldata(metric) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 BTypeflangesforusewithbushes ....................................19-20 ® T Type flanges for use with taper-lock bushings (inches) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 - 22 SCtypehubdimensionaldata ......................................23-26 SCType(spacer)flangedimensionaldata. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Sleeve and flexible element chemical resistance chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 www.jbj.co.uk/s-flex-couplings.html #DriveLineHarmony The details contained within this catalogue are reproduced in accordance with the latest information at publication of this catalogue. Errors & Omissions Excepted Last update: 04/08/2021
Mechanical Power Transmission S-Flex Couplings UK Distributor 2 jbj Techniques are the UK distributor of R & L Hydraulics power transmission products. www.jbj.co.uk/s-flex-couplings.html #DriveLineHarmony www.rl-hydraulics.com/en/international-sales/
3 Mechanical Power Transmission S-Flex Couplings Safety Warning SafetyWarning. When using any of these products, you must follow these instructions and take the following precautions. Failure to do so may cause the power transmission product to break and parts to be thrown with sufficient force to cause severe injury or death. Refer to this catalogue for proper selection, sizing, kW, torque range, and speed range of power transmission products, including elastomeric elements for couplings. Follow the installation instructions included with the product, and in the individual product catalogues for proper installation of power transmission products. Do not exceed catalogue ratings. During start up and operation of power transmission product, avoid sudden shock loads. Coupling assembly should operate quietly and smoothly. If coupling assembly vibrates or makes a knocking sound, shut down immediately, and recheck alignment. Shortly after initial operation and periodically thereafter, where applicable, inspect coupling assembly for: alignment, wear of elastomeric element, bolt torques, and flexing elements for signs of fatigue. Do not operate coupling assembly if alignment is improper, or where applicable, if elastomeric element is damaged, or worn to less than 75%of its original thickness. For all power transmission products, you must install suitable safety guards. Do not start power transmission product before suitable guards are in place. Failure to properly guard these products may result in severe injury or death from personnel contacting moving parts or from parts being thrown from assembly in the event the power transmission product fails. Do not use any of these power transmission products for elevators or other devices that carry people. If the power transmission product fails, the lift device could fall resulting in severe injury or death. If you have any questions please contact the jbj Techniques technical office telephone: +44 (0)1737 767493 email: info@jbj.co.uk www.jbj.co.uk/s-flex-couplings.html #DriveLineHarmony
TM The reformulated S-Flex Endurance is the longest lasting and best performing EPDM product available on the market. The S-Flex Endurance™ coupling design is comprised of three parts: two cast zinc or iron flanges with internal teeth engage an elastomeric flexible sleeve with external teeth. Torque is transmitted through the flanges mounted on both the driver and driven shafts via the sleeve. Misalignment and torsional shock loads are absorbed by shear deflection in the sleeve. The shear characteristic of the S-Flex Endurance coupling is very well suited to absorb impact loads. Combinations of flanges and sleeves can be assembled to suit your specific application, along with thirteen sizes with torque capabilities from 60 in-lbs to 72,480 in-lbs. Flanges are offered in five models which aremade from zinc or cast iron. Sleeves are available in EPDM rubber, Neoprene, or Hytrel* to address a wide variety of application requirements. Protection frommisalignment, shock, and vibration: Mechanical Power Transmission S-Flex Couplings Overview Parallel: The S-Flex coupling accepts up to 1.575 mm of parallel misalignment without wear. The flexible coupling sleeve minimizes the radial loads imposed on equipment bearings, a problem commonly associated with parallel misalignment. Axial: The S-Flex couplings can be used in applications which require a limited amount of shaft end-float without transferring thrust loads to equipment bea r i ngs . Ax i a l movemen t o f approximately 3.175 mm accepted. Angular: The flexing action of the elastomeric sleeve and the locking feature of the mat ing teeth al lows the S-Flex Coupling to effectively handle angular misalignment up to 1°. Torsional: S-Flex couplings effectively dampen torsional shock and vibration to protect connected equipment. The epdm and neoprene sleeves have torsional wind-up flexibility of 15° at their rated torque. Hytrel provides 7° wind-up. Features » Easy to Install » Maintenance Free » No Lubrication » Dampens Vibration and Controls Shock » Torsionally Soft » Double Engagement Characteristics and Performance Facts » The S-Flex coupling design is comprised of 3 parts: 2 flanges with internal teeth engage an elastomeric flexible sleeve with external teeth. » Torque is transmitted through the flanges mounted on both the driver and driven shafts via the sleeve. » Misalignment and torsional shock loads are absorbed by shear deflection in the sleeve. » The shear characteristic of the S-Flex coupling is very well suited to absorb impact loads. » The S-Flex coupling from Lovejoy offers combinations of flanges and sleeves which can be assembled to suit your specific application. » Thirteen sizes are available with torque capabilities that range from 60 in-lbs to 72,480 in-lbs. or 6.78 Nm to 8,189 Nm. » The S-Flex flanges are offered in five models which are made from zinc or cast iron. » Sleeves are available in EPDM rubber, Neoprene, or Hytrel® to address a wide variety of application requirements. Flange Types: 3 7 J Type — Zinc die cast and cast iron, bore range … / inch to 1 / inch 8 16 or 9.5 mm to 36.5 mm. 1 1 S Type — Cast iron, bore range … / inch to 5 / inch or 12.7 mm to 140 mm. 2 2 B Type — Cast iron with bushing. SC Type — Cast iron spacer. T Type — Cast iron w/taper-lock bushing. Hubs for SC Type Spacer Coupling: SCH Type — Powdered metal or cast iron, standard length. SCHS Type — Powdered metal or cast iron, short length. Sleeve Types: JE (EPDM) 1–piece solid. JES (EPDM) 1–piece split. JN (Neoprene) 1–piece solid. JNS (Neoprene) 1–piece split. E (EPDM) 2–piece with retaining ring. N (Neoprene) 2–piece with retaining ring. H (Hytrel) 1–piece. HS (Hytrel) 2–piece split #DriveLineHarmony www.jbj.co.uk/s-flex-couplings.html 4
Mechanical Power Transmission S-Flex Couplings Elastomer Designs 5 www.jbj.co.uk/s-flex-couplings.html Continue to benefit from the characteristics of the S-Flex coupling but for 3 times longer! The new EPDM coupling sleeve element lasts at least 3 times as long as the previous design, saving you valuable downtime opportunity costs and maintenance costs. The newmaterial also provides at least 30% increased torque rating and allows for product downsize in 50%of applications creating an average cost saving of 23 - 33% for sleeve element replacement. Extensive testing performed by the R&D department compared the new and improved EPDM S-Flex Endurance sleeve element material to the previous design and competitor’s similar style couplings. Ultimately the new EPDM S-Flex Endurance material met or exceeded performance in every testing category. Note the performance improvements are for the EPDMmaterial only. The Neoprene and Hytrel types remain unchanged. Elastomer Designs » Lovejoy offers flexible sleeve for S-Flex coupling in three designs: one-piece solid, one-piece split, and two-piece with retaining ring. » The one-piece split design provides solutions for applications with unique requirements where small shaft separations inhibit the installation of a one-piece solid sleeve. » Pre-moulded teeth along the diameter of the sleeve engage with teeth of the coupling flanges. » No clamps or screws are needed to connect the flanges with the flexible sleeve which securely lock together under torque for smooth transmission of power. » Torque is transmitted through shear loading of the sleeve. » All three sleeve materials are highly elastic which permits the S-Flex coupling to protect connected equipment from harmful shock loading, vibration and shaft misalignment. JE, JN, JES, JNS Sleeve Types These sleeves feature a one-piece design moulded in EPDM & Neoprene rubber. In the case of JES & JNS Types, the one-piece design is split to provide for ease of installation and removal. E, NSleeve Types These sleeves feature a two-piece design with retaining ring. The E Type is moulded in EPDM rubber and the N Type is moulded in Neoprene. The two-piece design is ideal for applications where there is difficulty in separating the shafts of the driver and driven. H, HS Sleeve Types These sleeves feature both a one-piece solid (H) and two-piece split (HS) design and are moulded of Hytrel. The sleeves in Hytrel material are designed to transmit power for high torque applications. Because of the design and the properties of the Hytrel moulded sleeve, the H and HS sleeves should not be used as direct replacements for EPDM or Neoprene sleeves, and can only be used with S, TF, or SC flanges. SleeveMaterials EPDM – Unless otherwise specified, S-Flex couplings are supplied with EPDM flexible sleeves. EPDM has good resistance to commonly used chemicals and is generally not affected by dirt or moisture. Colour is black. NEOPRENE – Neoprene provides very good performance characteristics for most applications and offers a very good resistance to chemical and oil conditions. Colour is black with a green dot. HYTREL® – Hytrel is a polyester elastomer designed for high torque and high temperature applications and offers excellent resistance to chemical and oil conditions. Colour is orange. JE and JN Type JES and JNS Type E and N Type H and HS Type #DriveLineHarmony
Mechanical Power Transmission S-Flex Couplings Selection Process 6 S-Flex Endurance Coupling Selection Process The selection process for determining the proper S-Flex coupling requires using the charts shown on the following pages. There are three components to be selected, two flanges and one sleeve. Information necessary before a coupling can be selected: » kW/HP and RPM of Driver or running torque. » Shaft size of Driver and Driven equipment and corresponding keyways. » Application or equipment description. » Environmental conditions (i.e. extreme temperature, corrosive conditions, space limitations). List of Charts provided for Selection: » Chart 1 -Application Service Factors page 7 » Chart 2 - Sleeve Performance Data page 8 » Chart 3 - S-Flex Nominal Rated Torque Data page 8 Formulas: Nominal Torque Nm= (kWx 9550) RPM in-lb= (HP x 63025) RPM Design Torque = Nominal Torque xApplication Service Factor Steps in Selecting n S-Flex Endurance Coupling 1) Determine the Nominal Torque using the formula shown above. 2) Using theApplication Service Factor Chart 1 page 7 select the service factor which best corresponds to your application. 3) Calculate the Design Torque of your application by multiplying the Nominal Torque calculated in Step 1 by theApplication Service Factor determined in Step 2. Design Torque = Nominal Torque xApplication Service Factor. 4) Using the Sleeve Performance Data Chart 2 page 8 select the sleevematerial which best corresponds to your application. 5) Using the S-Flex Nominal Rated Torque Chart 3 page 8 locate the appropriate sleevematerial column for the sleeve selected in Step 4. 6) Scan down this column to the first entry where the Torque Value in the column is greater than or equal to the Design Torque calculated in Step 3. Refer to the maximum RPM value of the coupling size to ensure that the application requirements are met. If the maximum RPM value is less than the application requirement, S-Flex couplings are not recommended for the application. Note: If Nominal Torque is less than 1/4 of the coupling’s nominal rated torque, misalignment capacities are reduced by 1/2. Once torque value is located, refer to the corresponding coupling size in the first column of the S-Flex Nominal Rated Torque Data Chart 3 page 8. 7) Compare the application driver/driven shaft sizes to the maximum bore size available on the coupling selected. If coupling max bore is not large enough for the shaft diameter, select the next largest coupling that will accommodate the driver/driven shaft diameters. 8) Using the ItemSelection tables, find the appropriate Keyway and Bore size required and locate the Lovejoy UPC number. For assistance inmaking the correct selection please contact the jbj Techniques technical office, telephone: +44 (0)1737 767493 or email: info@jbj.co.uk www.jbj.co.uk/s-flex-couplings.html #DriveLineHarmony
7 Mechanical Power Transmission S-Flex Couplings Service Factors Chart 1 Application Service Factors Note 1 indicates: If people are transported, Lovejoy does not recommend and will not warranty the use of the coupling. www.jbj.co.uk/s-flex-couplings.html #DriveLineHarmony
Mechanical Power Transmission S-Flex Couplings Performance Data 8 Chart 2 Sleeve Performance Data Notes 1 indicates: Operating Hytrel within a high service factor application is not recommended. Chart 3 S-Flex Nominal Rated Torque Data www.jbj.co.uk/s-flex-couplings.html up to 0.062 inch 1.575 mm up to 0.062 inch 1.575 mm up to 0.035 inch 0.89 mm 0.125 inch 3.175 mm 0.125 inch 3.175 mm 0.125 inch 3.175 mm in mm in mm in-lb Nm RPM in-lb Nm RPM in-lb Nm RPM 3 0.375 9.50 0.875 22.23 78 8.81 9,200 60 6.78 9,200 N/A N/A N/A 4 0.500 12.70 1.000 25.40 156 17.63 7,600 120 13.56 7,600 N/A N/A N/A 5 0.500 12.70 1.188 30.18 312 35.26 7,600 240 27.12 7,600 N/A N/A N/A 6 0.625 15.878 1.438 36.53 585 66.09 6,000 450 50.84 6,000 1,800 203.37 6,000 7 0.625 15.878 1.625 41.28 940 106.20 5,250 725 81.91 5,250 2,875 324.83 5,250 8 0.750 19.05 1.938 49.23 1475 166.66 4,500 1135 128.24 4500 4530 511.82 4500 9 0875 22.23 2.375 60.33 2340 254.38 3750 1800 203.37 3750 7200 813.49 3750 10 1.125 28.58 2.750 69.85 3735 422.00 3600 2875 324.83 3600 11350 1282.38 3600 11 1.250 31.75 3.375 85.73 5889 665.37 3600 4530 511.82 3600 18000 2033.73 3600 12 1.500 38.10 3.875 98.43 9360 1057.54 2800 7200 813.49 2800 31500 3559.03 2800 13 2.000 50.80 4.500 114.30 11350 1282.38 2400 11350 1282.38 2400 47268 5340.57 2400 14 2.000 50.80 5.000 127.00 18000 2033.73 2200 18000 2033.73 2200 72480 8189.15 2200 16 2.000 50.80 5.500 139.70 47250 5338.54 1500 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 Hytrel #DriveLineHarmony Size Minimum Bore Maximum Bore ID1 - ID2 EPDM Neoprene Torque Max. Torque Max. Torque Max.
The S Trype coupling consists of two flanges and one sleeve. S Type Flange - Inch Bore and Keyway UPC Number Selection Table Mechanical Power Transmission S-Flex Couplings Inch Bore & Keyway 9 www.jbj.co.uk/s-flex-couplings.html #DriveLineHarmony
The J and S Type coupling consists of two flanges and one sleeve. S-Flex Endurance Standard Sleeve UPC Number Selection Table Standard Sleeve, J & S Type Metric Bore & Keyway 10 www.jbj.co.uk/s-flex-couplings.html #DriveLineHarmony Note: 1 indicates bulk pack sizes 3-6 contain ten pieces, sizes 7-8 contain five pieces. J and S Type - Metric Bore and Keyway UPC Number Selection Table Notes: Metric Bore / Keyway per DIN specifications. When referencing the Lovejoy UPC number in this table include 685144 as a prefix to the number shown.
Flanges Type J, SC, SCH & SCHS Flanges The J type coupling consists of two J flanges and one sleeve. J Type Flange - Inch Bore and Keyway UPC Number Selection Table. It is not recommended to rebore 3J and 4J flanges. The SC type coupling consists of two SCH or SCHS, two SC spacer flanges and one sleeve. SC Type Spacer Flanges 1 indicates see page 27 for other lengths possible via various combinations. SCH and SCHS Type Inch Bore and Keyway UPC Number Selection Table. Note: When referencing the UPC number in this table include 685144 as a prefix to the number shown. 11 www.jbj.co.uk/s-flex-couplings.html #DriveLineHarmony
Mechanical Power Transmission S-Flex Couplings Performance Data 12 www.jbj.co.uk/s-flex-couplings.html S-Flex Performance Ratings #DriveLineHarmony Notes: 1 indicates values shown are for ambient temperature of 24°C / 75°F. Coupling ratings are based on sleeve material regardless of flange design.
S-Flex Endurance Sleeve Types S-Flex Sleeves » Flexible sleeves for Lovejoy S-Flex Endurance couplings are available in three materials (EPDM, Neoprene, and Hytrel®) and in three basic designs: one piece solid, one-piece split, or two piece. JE, JN, JES and JNS Types » JE and JN Type sleeves feature a one-piece solid design. » JES and JNS Type sleeves feature a one-piece split design. » JE and JES Type sleeves are moulded in EPDM material. » JN and JNS Type sleeves are moulded in Neoprene material. E and N Types » E and N Type sleeves feature a two-piece design with retaining ring. » E Type sleeves are made from EPDM material and are available in sizes 5-16. » N Type sleeves are made from Neoprene material and are available in sizes 5-14. » Two piece sleeves are ideal for applications where small shaft separations inhibit the installation of a one piece sleeve H and HS Types. H and HS Types » H and HS Type sleeves are designed for high torque applications, transmitting about 4 times as much power as an equivalent EPDM or Neoprene sleeve. » Hytrel sleeves are available in a one-piece solid (H) or two-piece split (HS) construction. » Hytrel sleeves can be used only with S or SC flanges and can not be used with J or B flanges. » Hytrel sleeves should not be used as direct replacements for EPDM or Neoprene applications. » H and HS Type sleeves are available for sizes 6-14 (sizes 13 and 14 are available in HS only). Mechanical Power Transmission S-Flex Couplings Dimensional Data 13 Sleeve Dimensional Data www.jbj.co.uk/s-flex-couplings.html L OD Weight L OD Weight L OD Weight Types JE, JES, JN, & JNS EPDM & Neoprene Types E & N EPDM & Neoprene Types H & HS Hytrel JE, JN, JES and JNS Types E and N Types H and HS Types #DriveLineHarmony Size in mm in mm lbs kg in mm in mm lbs kg in mm in mm lbs kg 3 1.00 25.4 1.88 47.75 0.06 0.027 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 1.25 31.75 2.31 58.67 0.10 0.045 - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 1.56 39.62 2.94 74.68 0.20 0.091 1.56 39.62 2.94 74.68 0.25 0.113 - - - - - - 6 1.88 47.75 3.75 95.25 0.40 0.181 1.88 47.75 3.75 95.25 0.49 0.222 1.88 47.75 3.75 95.25 0.44 0.200 7 2.19 55.63 4.34 110.24 0.62 0.281 2.19 55.63 4.34 110.24 0.77 0.349 2.19 55.63 4.34 110.24 0.69 0.313 8 2.50 63.50 5.06 128.52 1.13 0.513 2.50 63.50 5.06 128.52 1.40 0.635 2.50 63.50 5.06 128.52 1.40 0.635 9 3.00 76.20 6.00 152.40 1.46 0.662 3.00 76.20 6.00 152.40 2.00 0.907 3.00 76.20 6.00 152.40 1.80 0.816 10 3.44 87.38 7.06 179.32 2.32 1.052 3.44 87.38 7.06 179.32 3.20 1.452 3.44 87.38 7.06 179.32 2.90 1.315 11 - - - - - - 4.00 101.60 8.19 208.03 5.10 2.313 4.00 101.60 8.19 208.03 4.50 2.041 12 - - - - - - 4.69 119.13 9.56 242.82 8.10 3.674 4.69 119.13 8.56 217.42 7.30 3.311 13 - - - - - - 5.50 139.70 11.19 284.23 13.00 5.897 5.50 139.70 11.19 284.23 11.80 5.352 14 - - - - - - 6.50 165.10 13.09 332.49 21.10 9.571 6.50 165.10 13.09 332.49 19.30 8.754 16 - - - - - - 8.75 222.25 17.91 454.91 45.30 20.548 - - - - - -
J Type Flanges and J Type Couplings J Type Flanges The J Type flanges in sizes 3J and 4J are made from die cast of high strength zinc alloy (tensile strength of 41,000 psi / 2826.8505 bar) and are furnished bored to size. » Size 5J is provided in either zinc alloy or cast iron depending on the bore size » Size 6J is made from cast iron » J flanges are compatible with EPDM or Neoprene sleeves » Each flange has a keyway and two set screws (one set screw over the key and one at 90ー to the keyway) J Type Coupling » Complete S-Flex Endurance couplings, with J Type flanges described above, are normally supplied with the one-piece JE sleeve or the one-piece split JES sleeve. An optional JN (Neoprene, one-piece) sleeve or the one-piece split JNS sleeve. » Sizes 5J and 6J couplings are also available with E and N two piece sleeves. Mechanical Power Transmission S-Flex Couplings Dimensional Data 14 www.jbj.co.uk/s-flex-couplings.html J Type Dimensional Data To remove sleeve #DriveLineHarmony Weight Maximum Bore 1 Size with Standard L FL P SL OD T HD OAL G R Flange Coupling Keyway in in in in in in UNC in in in in lbs lbs 3J 0.875 0.81 0.38 0.44 0.25 2.062 ¹⁄ - 20 1.50 2.00 0.44 0.56 0.30 0.68 4J 1.000 0.88 0.44 0.44 0.25 2.460 ¹⁄ - 20 1.63 2.38 0.63 0.75 0.40 0.89 5J 1.125 1.06 0.59 0.47 0.29 3.250 ¹⁄ - 20 1.88 2.88 0.75 0.97 1.10 2.40 6J 1.375 1.31 0.78 0.53 0.29 4.000 ⁵⁄ - 18 2.50 3.50 0.88 1.09 1.90 4.36 Weight Maximum Bore 1 Size with Standard L FL P SL OD T HD OAL G R Flange Coupling Keyway mm mm mm mm mm mm UNC mm mm mm mm kg kg 3J 22.23 20.57 9.65 11.18 6.35 52.37 ¹⁄ - 20 38.10 50.80 11.18 14.22 0.136 0.308 4J 25.40 0.88 22.35 11.18 6.35 62.48 ¹⁄ - 20 41.40 60.45 16.00 19.05 0.181 0.404 5J 28.58 26.92 14.99 11.94 7.37 82.55 ¹⁄ - 20 47.75 73.15 19.05 24.64 0.499 1.089 6J 34.93 33.27 19.81 0.53 13.46 101.60 ⁵⁄ - 18 63.50 88.90 22.35 27.69 0.862 1.978 Note: 1 indicates: Spacing between shafts should be greater than 1/8 inch, 3.175 mm and less than OAL minus the sum of the two bore dimensions.
ID1 Max. Bore Max. Bore Weight Size Standard Shallow L FL P SL OD T HD OAL G R Flange Keyway Keyway in in in in in in in UNC in in in in lbs 5S 1.188 1.250 1.34 0.59 0.45 0.29 3.250 ¹⁄ - 20 1.88 2.81 0.75 0.97 1.1 6S 1.438 1.500 1.64 0.78 0.53 0.29 4.000 ⁵⁄ - 18 2.50 3.50 0.88 1.09 1.9 - 1.750 1.64 0.78 0.53 - 4.000 - 2.50 3.50 0.88 1.09 1.8 7S 1.625 1.875 1.84 0.78 0.69 0.35 4.625 ³⁄ - 16 2.81 3.94 1.00 1.31 2.6 8S 1.938 2.250 2.10 0.88 0.75 0.38 5.450 ³⁄ - 16 3.25 4.39 1.13 1.50 4.4 - 2.375 1.94 0.88 1.03 - 5.450 - 3.25 4.95 1.13 1.50 3.7 9S 2.375 2.500 2.41 1.03 0.78 0.41 6.350 ¹⁄ - 13 3.63 5.06 1.44 1.75 6.5 - 2.875 2.28 1.03 1.25 - 6.350 - 4.13 6.00 1.44 1.75 6.2 10S 2.750 3.125 2.70 1.22 0.81 0.41 7.500 ¹⁄ - 13 4.38 5.69 1.63 2.00 10.5 - 3.375 2.70 1.22 0.81 - 7.500 - 4.75 5.69 1.63 2.00 9.8 11S 3.375 3.625 3.44 1.50 1.13 0.56 8.625 ¹⁄ - 13 5.25 7.13 1.88 2.38 16.6 - 3.875 3.06 1.50 1.56 - 8.625 - 5.63 8.00 1.88 2.38 16.4 12S 2.875 - 4.00 1.69 1.28 0.63 10.000 ¹⁄ - 13 4.88 8.25 2.31 2.69 27.5 3.875 3.938 4.00 1.69 1.28 - 10.000 - 5.75 8.25 2.31 2.69 26.6 13S 4.500 - 4.38 1.97 1.31 0.81 11.750 ⁵⁄ - 11 6.75 9.25 2.69 3.06 45.0 14S 5.000 - 4.50 2.25 1.06 0.62 13.875 ⁵⁄ - 11 7.50 9.88 3.25 3.50 69.0 16S 5.500 6.000 6.00 2.75 2.00 1.00 18.875 ⁵⁄ - 11 8.00 14.50 4.75 4.25 125.0 Mechanical Power Transmission S-Flex Couplings Dimensional Data 15 www.jbj.co.uk/s-flex-couplings.html S Type Dimensional Data Note Spacing between shafts should be greater than 1/8 inch and less than OAL minus the sum of the two bore dimensions. See page 9 for Performance Data. The sizes with two dimensions listed indicate measurements for standard flanges (1st Line) and modified spacer flanges (2nd Line). See page 20. To determine shaft separation (BSE, use the formula BSE = OAL - (2 x L). Dimensions Inches S Type Flanges » S flanges are made of high strength cast iron and are bored to size for a slip fit on standard shafts. » S flanges are easy to install, are readily available from stock in a wide range of popular bore sizes, and are supplied with two set screws at 90°. S Type Couplings » S Type couplings, normally supplied with the two-piece E sleeve, can be used with any JE, JN, N, H, or HS sleeves. #DriveLineHarmony
ID1 Max. Bore Max. Bore Weight Size Standard Shallow L FL P SL OD T HD OAL G R Flange Keyway Keyway mm mm mm mm mm mm mm UNC mm mm mm mm kg 5S 30.18 31.75 34.04 14.99 11.43 7.37 82.55 1/4 - 20 47.75 71.37 19.05 24.68 0.499 6S 36.53 38.10 41.66 19.81 13.46 7.36 101.60 5/16 - 18 63.50 88.90 22.35 27.69 0.862 - 44.45 41.66 19.81 13.46 - 101.60 - 63.50 88.90 22.35 27.69 0.816 7S 41.28 47.63 46.74 19.81 17.53 8.89 117.48 3/8 - 16 71.37 100.08 25.40 33.27 1.179 8S 49.23 57.15 53.34 22.35 19.05 9.65 138.43 3/8 - 16 82.55 111.51 28.70 38.10 1.996 - 60.33 49.28 22.35 26.16 - 138.43 - 82.55 125.73 28.70 38.10 1.678 9S 60.33 63.50 61.21 26.16 19.81 10.41 161.29 1/2 - 13 92.20 128.52 36.58 44.45 2.948 - 73.03 57.91 26.16 31.75 - 161.29 - 104.90 152.40 36.58 44.45 2.812 10S 69.85 79.38 68.58 30.99 20.57 10.41 190.50 1/2 - 13 111.25 144.53 41.40 50.8 4.763 - 85.73 68.58 30.99 20.57 - 190.50 - 120.65 144.53 41.40 50.8 4.445 11S 85.73 92.08 87.38 38.10 28.70 14.22 219.08 1/2 - 13 133.35 181.10 47.75 60.45 7.530 - 98.43 77.72 38.10 39.62 - 219.08 - 143.00 203.20 47.75 60.45 7.439 12S 73.03 - 101.60 42.93 32.51 16.00 254.00 1/2 - 13 123.95 209.55 58.67 68.33 12.474 98.43 100.03 101.60 42.93 32.51 - 254.00 - 146.05 209.55 58.67 68.33 12.066 13S 114.30 - 111.25 50.04 33.27 20.57 298.45 5/8 - 11 171.45 234.95 68.33 77.72 20.412 14S 127.00 - 114.30 57.15 26.92 15.75 352.43 5/8 - 11 190.50 250.95 82.55 88.90 31.298 16S 139.70 152.40 152.40 69.85 50.80 25.40 479.43 5/8 - 11 203.20 368.30 120.65 107.95 56.699 Mechanical Power Transmission S-Flex Couplings Dimensional Data 16 www.jbj.co.uk/s-flex-couplings.html Note Spacing between shafts should be greater than 3.175mm and less than OAL minus the sum of the two bore dimensions. See page 9 for Performance Data. The sizes with two dimensions listed indicate measurements for standard flanges (1st Line) and modified spacer flanges (2nd Line). See page 20. To determine shaft separation (BSE, use the formula BSE = OAL - (2 x L). Dimensions Millimetres S Type Flanges » S flanges are made of high strength cast iron and are bored to size for a slip fit on standard shafts. » S flanges are easy to install, are readily available from stock in a wide range of popular bore sizes, and are supplied with two set screws at 90°. S Type Couplings » S Type couplings, normally supplied with the two-piece E sleeve, can be used with any JE, JN, N, H, or HS sleeves. #DriveLineHarmony
Mechanical Power Transmission S-Flex Couplings Inch Dimensional Data 17 www.jbj.co.uk/s-flex-couplings.html S Type Shallow Key Dimensional Data Note: Some large bore S Type flanges are supplied with shallow keyways as standard. Rectangular keystock is provided for stock bores only. See page 9 of this catalogue for performance data. 5S 1.34 1.188 1.250 1.88 1.25 0.25 x 0.6 0.25 x 0.19 x 1.38 6S 1.63 1.438 1.500 2.50 1.50 0.38 x 0.13 0.38 x 0.31 x 1.50 1.31 - 1.750 2.50 1.56 - 1.63 0.38 x 0.13 0.38 x 0.31 x 1.31 1.69 - 1.75 0.38 x 0.06 0.38 x 0.25 x 1.25 7S 1.84 1.625 1.875 2.81 1.69 - 1.75 0.38 x 0.13 0.38 x 0.31 x 1.81 1.81 - 1.88 0.5 x 0.13 0.5 x 0.38 x 1.81 8S 2.09 1.938 2.250 3.25 2 - 2.25 0.5 x 0.19 0.5 x 0.44 x 2.06 1.94 - 2.375 3.25 - - - 2.31 - 2.38 0.63 x 0.13 0.63 x 0.44 x 1.88 9S 2.41 2.375 2.500 3.63 2.44 - 2.50 0.63 x 0.19 0.63 x 0.5 x 2.38 2.28 - 2.875 4.13 - - - 2.56 - 2.75 0.63 x 0.19 0.63 x 0.5 x 2.25 2.81 - 2.88 0.75 x 0.13 0.75 x 0.5 x 2.25 10S 2.72 2.750 3.125 4.38 2.81 - 3.13 0.75 x 0.13 0.75 x 0.5 x 2.75 2.69 - 3.375 4.75 - - - 3.18 - 3.25 0.75 x 0.13 0.75 x 0.5 x 2.63 3.31 - 3.38 0.88 x 0.19 0.88 x 0.63 x 2.63 11S 3.44 3.375 3.625 5.25 3.44 - 3.63 0.88 x 0.19 0.88 x 0.63 x 3.44 3.06 - 3.875 5.63 - - - 3.88 1 x 0.25 1 x 0.75 x 3 12S 4.00 2.875 - 4.88 - - - 4.00 3.875 3.938 5.75 3.94 1 x 0.13 1 x 0.63 x 4 13S 4.38 4.500 - 6.75 - - - 14S 4.50 5.000 - 7.50 - - - 16S 6.00 5.500 6.000 8.00 5.56 - 6.00 1.5 x 0.25 1.5 x 1 x 6 #DriveLineHarmony ID1 Shallow Keyway Dimensions Max Bore Max Bore Size L Standard Shallow HD Bore Keyway Key Keyway Keyway in in in in in in in
Mechanical Power Transmission S-Flex Couplings Metric Dimensional Data 18 5S 34.04 30.18 31.75 47.75 31.75 6.35 x 15.24 6.35 x 4.83 x 35.05 6S 41.40 36.53 38.10 63.50 38.10 9.65 x 3.30 9.65 x 7.87 x 38.10 33.27 - 44.45 63.50 39.62 - 41.40 9.65 x 3.30 9.65 x 7.87 x 33.27 42.92 - 44.45 9.65 x 1.52 9.65 x 6.35 x 31.75 7S 46.74 41.28 47.63 71.37 42.93 - 44.45 9.65 x 3.30 9.65 x 7.87 x 45.97 45.97 - 47.75 12.70 x 3.30 12.70 x 9.65 x 45.97 8S 53.09 49.23 57.15 82.55 50.80 - 57.15 12.70 x 4.83 12.70 x 11.18 x 52.32 49.28 - 60.33 82.55 - - - 58.67 - 60.45 16.00 x 3.30 16.00 x 11.18 x 47.75 9S 61.21 60.33 63.50 92.20 61.98 - 63.50 16.00 x 4.83 16.00 x 12.70 x 60.45 57.91 - 73.03 104.90 - - - 65.02 - 69.85 16.00 x 4.83 16.00 x 12.70 x 57.15 71.37 - 73.15 19.05 x 3.30 19.05 x 12.70 x 57.15 10S 69.09 69.85 79.38 111.25 71.37 - 79.50 19.05 x 3.30 19.05 x 12.70 x 69.85 68.33 - 85.73 120.65 - - - 80.77 - 82.55 19.05 x 3.30 19.05 x 12.70 x 66.80 84.07 - 85.85 22.35 x 4.83 22.35 x 16.00 x 66.80 11S 87.38 85.73 92.08 133.35 87.38 - 92.20 22.35 x 4.83 22.35 x 16.00 x 87.376 77.72 - 98.43 143.00 - - - 98.55 25.40 x 6.35 25.40 x 19.05 x 76.20 12S 101.60 73.03 - 123.95 - - - 101.60 98.43 100.03 146.05 100.08 25.40 x 3.30 25.40 x 16.00 x 101.60 13S 111.25 114.30 - 171.45 - - - 14S 114.30 127.00 - 190.50 - - - 16S 152.40 139.70 152.40 203.20 141.22 - 152.40 38.10 x 6.35 38.10 x 25.40 x 152.40 ID1 Shallow Keyway Dimensions Max Bore Max Bore Size L Standard Shallow HD Bore Keyway Key Keyway Keyway mm mm mm mm mm mm mm S Type Shallow Key Dimensional Data Note: Some large bore S Type flanges are supplied with shallow keyways as standard. Rectangular keystock is provided for stock bores only. See page 9 of this catalogue for performance data. #DriveLineHarmony www.jbj.co.uk/s-flex-couplings.html
Mechanical Power Transmission S-Flex Couplings B Type with Bushes 19 B Type Flanges For Use With Bushes B Type Coupling B Type Flange B Type Flange » Model B (bushed) flanges are made of the same high-strength cast iron as the S flanges. » B flanges are designed to accommodate the industry standard bushing for easy installation and removal. » B flanges are available in sizes 6 through 16 Couplings. Dimensions Inches Dimensions Millimetres Note 1 indicates: Spacing between shafts should be greater than 1/8 inch, 3.175 mm and less than G. Spacing between internal face of flange should be OAL – (2 x L1 L2 FL P OD HD OAL G R Approx. Flange Bush Size Bore Weight Code in in in in in in in in in in lbs 6B JA 1.53 1.00 0.78 0.44 4.000 2.00 3.31 0.88 1.09 1.19 1.3 7B JA 1.59 1.00 0.78 0.44 4.625 2.00 3.44 1.00 1.31 1.19 1.9 8B SH 1.84 1.25 0.91 0.50 5.450 2.69 3.94 1.13 1.50 1.63 1.9 9B SD 2.19 1.81 1.03 0.56 6.350 3.19 4.63 1.44 1.75 1.94 4.8 10B SK 1.84 1.88 1.22 0.63 7.500 3.88 5.31 1.63 2.00 2.50 7.8 11B SF 2.13 2.00 1.50 0.63 8.625 4.63 6.13 1.88 2.38 2.75 12.0 12B E 2.69 2.63 1.69 0.88 10.000 6.00 7.44 2.31 2.69 3.44 18.0 13B F 3.69 3.63 1.97 1.00 11.750 6.63 8.63 2.69 3.00 3.94 31.2 14B F 3.69 3.63 2.25 1.00 13.875 6.63 9.75 3.25 3.50 3.94 51.4 16B J 4.75 4.50 2.75 1.19 18.875 7.25 12.63 4.75 4.25 4.50 120.0 L1 L2 FL P OD HD OAL G R Approx. Flange Bush Size Bore Weight Code mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kg 6B JA 38.86 25.40 19.81 11.18 101.60 50.80 84.07 22.35 27.69 30.23 33.02 7B JA 40.39 25.40 19.81 11.18 117.48 50.80 87.38 25.40 33.27 30.23 48.26 8B SH 46.74 31.75 23.11 12.70 138.43 68.33 100.08 28.70 38.10 41.40 48.26 9B SD 55.63 45.97 26.16 14.22 161.29 81.03 117.60 36.58 44.45 49.28 121.92 10B SK 46.74 47.75 30.99 16.00 190.50 98.55 134.87 41.40 50.80 63.50 198.12 11B SF 54.10 50.8 38.1 16.00 219.08 117.60 155.70 47.75 60.45 69.85 304.80 12B E 68.33 66.80 42.93 22.352 254.00 152.40 188.98 58.67 68.33 87.38 457.20 13B F 93.73 92.20 50.04 25.40 298.45 168.40 219.20 68.33 76.20 100.08 792.48 14B F 93.73 92.20 57.15 25.40 352.43 168.40 247.65 82.55 88.90 100.08 1305.56 16B J 120.65 114.30 69.85 30.23 479.43 184.15 320.80 120.65 107.95 114.30 3048.00 #DriveLineHarmony www.jbj.co.uk/s-flex-couplings.html
Mechanical Power Transmission S-Flex Couplings Metric Dimensional Data 20 B Type Flanges For Use With Bushes ID1 - ID2 ID1 - ID2 Bush Dimensions Inches Dimensions Millimetres Note F and J bushings are not available fromLovejoy. F bushings are available commercially in a bore range of 1 inch to 4 inches, J bushings in a range of 1-7/8 inches to 4-1/2 inches. Rectangular keys are furnished at no charge when shallow keyway is necessary. Couplings » S-Flex Endurance couplings with B flanges (for use with bushings) are normally supplied with the two-piece E sleeve. » The B style flanges can be used with any of the sleeves pictured on SF-5, with the exception of the Hytrel® sleeve. » B flanges can be used in combination with S Type flanges. » Bushings have a split design that allow for a compression fit for securemounting of the flange to the shaft without set screws. » The bushing’s clamp-like fit creates a one-piece assembly to eliminate woblle, vibration and fretting corrosion. » Slightly oversized or undersized shafts can be accommodated with the same secure grip. » The design prevents potentially hazardous key drift on applications subject to pulsation or vibration. » B flanges are bored to accept a bushing accommodating many bore sizes thus reducing inventory and increasing coupling versatility. » For bushing bore information contact jbj Techniques Ltd. technical office: tel: +44 (0)1737 767493 or email: info@jbj.co.uk Cap Min Max Bore Max Bore Screw Weight L P FL T HD D Bore Standard Standard Torque Keyway Keyway 2 Size in in in in in in in in in Qty Size ft-lbs lbs JA 1.00 0.69 0.31 0.56 2.00 1.375 0.50 1.00 1.19 3 #10-1 5 0.8 1 3 SH 1.25 0.88 0.38 0.81 2.68 1.871 0.50 1.38 1.63 3 /4 - 1 /8 9 0.9 1 3 SD 1.81 1.38 0.44 1.25 3.18 2.187 0.50 1.63 1.94 3 /4 - 11 /16 9 1.6 5 SK 1.87 1.38 0.50 1.25 3.88 2.812 0.50 2.13 2.50 3 /16 - 2 15 2.8 3 SF 2.00 1.50 0.50 1.25 4.63 3.125 0.50 2.31 2.81 3 /8 - 2 30 3.9 1 3 E 2.63 1.88 0.75 1.63 6.00 3.834 0.88 2.88 3.50 3 /2 - 2 /4 60 8.5 9 5 F 3.63 2.81 0.81 2.50 6.63 4.438 1.00 3.25 3.94 3 /16 - 3 /8 75 13.9 5 1 J 4.50 3.50 1.00 3.19 7.25 5.148 1.44 3.75 4.50 3 /8 - 4 /2 135 21.6 Cap Min Max Bore Max Bore Screw Weight L P FL T HD D Bore Standard Standard Torque Keyway Keyway 2 Size mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm Qty Size Nm kg JA 25.40 17.53 7.87 14.22 50.80 34.93 12.70 25.40 30.23 3 #10-1 6.78 0.363 1 3 SH 31.75 22.35 9.65 20.57 68.07 47.52 12.70 35.05 41.40 3 /4 - 1 /8 12.20 0.408 1 3 SD 45.97 35.05 11.18 31.75 80.77 55.55 12.70 41.40 49.28 3 /4 - 11 /16 12.20 0.726 5 SK 47.50 35.05 12.70 31.75 98.55 71.42 12.70 54.10 63.50 3 /16 - 2 20.34 1.270 3 SF 50.80 38.10 12.70 31.75 117.60 79.38 12.70 58.67 71.37 3 /8 - 2 40.67 1.769 1 3 E 66.80 47.75 19.05 41.40 152.40 97.38 22.35 73.15 88.90 3 /2 - 2 /4 81.35 3.856 9 5 F 92.20 71.37 20.57 63.50 168.40 112.73 25.40 82.55 100.08 3 /16 - 3 /8 101.69 6.305 5 1 J 114.30 88.90 25.40 81.03 184.15 130.76 36.58 95.25 114.30 3 /8 - 4 /2 183.04 9.798 www.jbj.co.uk/s-flex-couplings.html #DriveLineHarmony
Mechanical Power Transmission S-Flex Couplings Imperial Sized T Type Hubs 21 Front Mount Taper Dimensions Inches F Type Coupling F Type Flange ® T Type Flanges For Use With Taper-Lock Bushings TF Type Flanges » Model TF flanges are made from the same high-strength cast iron as the S flanges, but are designed to accommodate the international standard Taper Lock bushing for easy installation and removal. » TF Type flanges allow for mounting the bushing on the front (hub) side of the flange. » TF flanges are available in sizes 6 through 16 and can be used with any style of sleeve as pictured on page SF-5 TR Type Flanges. » TR flanges are similar to the TF style, but allow for the Taper Lock Bushing to be mounted and removed from the reverse or serration side of the flange. » The limited torque ratings of the Taper Lock Bushings allow TR flanges to only be used with EPDM or Neoprene sleeves. » Different bushing sizes are used, so they have different maximum bores than the TF flanges. » Sizes 6 through 16 are available Taper-Lock Bushings. Note: Be sure to determine if the bushing being used has either UNC threads (60°) or British Standard Whitworth B.S.W. threads (55°). In the U.S.A. the UNC type is predominant for both inch andmetric bores. Outside of the U.S.A. it is most common to see B.S.W., especially on metric bores. www.jbj.co.uk/s-flex-couplings.html #DriveLineHarmony UNC Flange UPC Number BSW Flange UPC Number ID1 - ID2 Max Bore ID1 - ID2 Max Bore OAL G R OD L FL P HD Bush Flange Bush Size Screw Size Weight Required* in in in in in in in in in in lbs 6TF 62265 62263 4.00 0.88 1.25 1.09 4.00 1.56 0.78 0.78 2.81 ³⁄ - 16 1.8 1215/1210 7TF 62269 62267 3.94 1.00 1.25 1.31 4.62 1.84 0.78 0.69 2.81 ³⁄ - 16 2.6 1215/1210 8TF 62273 62271 5.00 1.13 1.62 1.50 5.45 1.94 0.91 1.03 3.25 ³⁄ - 16 3.7 1615/1610 9TF 62277 62275 6.00 1.44 2.00 1.75 6.35 2.28 1.09 1.25 4.13 ⁷⁄ - 14 6.2 2012 10TF 62281 62279 7.00 1.63 2.50 2.00 7.50 2.69 1.22 1.47 4.75 ¹⁄ - 13 9.8 2517 11TF 62285 62283 8.00 1.88 2.50 2.38 8.63 3.06 1.50 1.56 5.63 ¹⁄ - 13 16.4 2517 12TF 62289 62287 8.25 2.31 3.00 2.69 10.00 4.00 1.69 1.28 5.75 ⁵⁄ - 11 26.6 3030 13TF 62293 62294 9.25 2.69 3.00 3.06 11.75 4.38 1.97 1.31 6.75 ⁵⁄ - 11 45.0 3030 14TF 62297 62295 9.88 3.25 3.94 3.50 13.88 4.50 2.25 1.06 7.50 ¹⁄ - 13 69.0 3535 16TF 62301 62299 14.50 4.75 4.44 4.25 18.88 6.00 2.75 2.00 8.00 ⁵⁄ - 11 125.0 4040 OAL G R OD L FL P HD Bush Flange Bush Size Screw Size Weight Required* in in in in in in in in in in lbs 6TR 62266 62264 4.00 0.88 1.00 1.09 4.00 1.56 0.78 0.78 2.81 ¹⁄ - 20 1.8 1008 7TR 62270 62268 3.94 1.00 1.12 1.31 4.62 1.84 0.78 0.69 2.81 ¹⁄ - 20 2.6 1108 8TR 62274 62272 5.00 1.13 1.25 1.50 5.45 1.94 0.91 1.03 3.25 ³⁄ - 16 3.7 1215/1210 9TR 62278 62276 6.00 1.44 1.62 1.75 6.35 2.28 1.09 1.25 4.13 ³⁄ - 16 6.2 1615/1210 10TR 62282 62280 7.00 1.63 1.62 2.00 7.50 2.69 1.22 1.47 4.75 ³⁄ - 16 9.8 1615/1210 11TR 62286 62284 8.00 1.88 2.50 2.38 8.63 3.06 1.50 1.56 5.63 ¹⁄ - 13 16.4 2525 12TR 62290 62288 8.25 2.31 2.50 2.69 10.00 4.00 1.69 1.28 5.75 ¹⁄ - 13 26.6 2517 13TR 62294 62292 9.25 2.69 3.00 3.06 11.75 4.38 1.97 1.31 6.75 ⁵⁄ - 11 45.0 3030 14TR 62298 62296 9.88 3.25 3.00 3.50 13.88 4.50 2.25 1.06 7.50 ⁵⁄ - 11 69.0 3030 16TR 62302 62300 14.50 4.75 4.44 4.25 18.88 6.00 2.75 2.00 8.00 ⁵⁄ - 11 125.0 4040 Rear Mount Taper Dimensions Inches UNC Flange UPC Number BSW Flange UPC Number » The industry standard taper lock bushing is a split design allowing a compression fit of the flange to the shaft without set screws. » The simple design makes the installation and removal easy while the 8° taper grips tight and provides excellent concentricity. » Reduced l eve l of i nventory achieved due to the many other components that use Taper Lock Bushings such as sheaves, sprockets and pulleys. All data above refers to both standard UNC and British Standard Whitworth B.S.W. threads. Flanges are not supplied with screws. *indicates that the use of a 1210 or 1610 bushing reduces the reserve factor between bushing torque rating and that of the coupling. Taper-Lock is a registered trademark of Reliance Electric Industrial Company in the U.S. and Canada. It is a registered trademark of JH Fenner and Co. in the UK.
Mechanical Power Transmission S-Flex Couplings Metric Sized T Type Hubs 22 Front Mount Dimensions Millimetres ® T Type Flanges For Use With Taper-Lock Bushings Front Mount Dimensions Millimetres F Type Coupling F Type Flange TF Type Flanges » Model TF flanges are made from the same high-strength cast iron as the S flanges, but are designed to accommodate the international standard Taper Lock bushing for easy installation and removal. » TF Type flanges allow for mounting the bushing on the front (hub) side of the flange. » TF flanges are available in sizes 6 through 16 and can be used with any style of sleeve as pictured on page SF-5 TR Type Flanges. » TR flanges are similar to the TF style, but allow for the Taper Lock Bushing to be mounted and removed from the reverse or serration side of the flange. » The limited torque ratings of the Taper Lock Bushings allow TR flanges to only be used with EPDM or Neoprene sleeves. » Different bushing sizes are used, so they have different maximum bores than the TF flanges. » Sizes 6 through 16 are available Taper-Lock Bushings. Note: Be sure to determine if the bushing being used has either UNC threads (60°) or British Standard Whitworth B.S.W. threads (55°). In the U.S.A. the UNC type is predominant for both inch andmetric bores. Outside of the U.S.A. it is most common to see B.S.W., especially on metric bores. UNC Flange UPC Number BSW Flange UPC Number ID1 - ID2 Max Bore ID1 - ID2 Max Bore OAL G R OD L FL P HD Bush Flange Bush Size Screw Size Weight Required* mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kg 6TF 62265 62263 101.60 22.35 31.75 27.69 101.60 39.62 19.81 19.81 71.37 3/8 - 16 0.816 1215/1210 7TF 62269 62267 100.08 25.40 31.75 33.27 117.35 46.74 19.81 17.53 71.37 3/8 - 16 1.179 1215/1210 8TF 62273 62271 127.00 28.70 41.15 38.10 138.43 49.28 23.11 26.16 82.55 3/8 - 16 1.678 1615/1610 9TF 62277 62275 152.40 36.58 50.80 44.45 161.29 57.91 27.69 31.75 104.90 7/16 - 14 2.812 2012 10TF 62281 62279 177.80 41.40 63.50 50.80 190.50 68.33 30.99 37.34 120.65 1/2 - 13 4.445 2517 11TF 62285 62283 203.20 47.75 63.50 60.45 219.20 77.72 38.10 39.62 143.00 1/2 - 13 7.439 2517 12TF 62289 62287 209.55 58.67 76.20 68.33 254.00 101.60 42.93 32.51 146.05 5/8 - 11 12.066 3030 13TF 62293 62294 234.95 68.33 76.20 77.72 298.45 111.25 50.04 33.27 171.45 5/8 - 11 20.412 3030 14TF 62297 62295 250.95 82.55 100.08 88.90 352.55 114.30 57.15 26.92 190.50 1/2 - 13 31.298 3535 16TF 62301 62299 368.30 120.65 112.78 107.95 479.55 152.40 69.85 50.80 203.20 5/8 - 11 56.699 4040 OAL G R OD L FL P HD Bush Flange Bush Size Screw Size Weight Required* mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kg 6TR 62266 62264 101.60 22.35 25.40 27.69 101.60 39.62 19.81 19.81 71.37 1/4 - 20 0.816 1008 7TR 62270 62268 100.08 25.40 28.45 33.27 117.35 46.74 19.81 17.53 71.37 1/4 - 20 1.179 1008 8TR 62274 62272 127.00 28.70 31.75 38.10 138.43 49.28 23.11 26.16 82.55 3/8 - 16 1.678 1215/12100 9TR 62278 62276 152.40 36.58 41.15 44.45 161.29 57.91 27.69 31.75 104.90 3/8 - 16 2.812 1615/1210 10TR 62282 62280 177.80 41.40 41.15 50.80 190.50 68.33 30.99 37.34 120.65 3/8 - 16 4.445 1615/1210 11TR 62286 62284 203.20 47.75 63.50 60.45 219.20 77.72 38.10 39.62 143.00 1/2 - 13 7.439 2525 12TR 62290 62288 209.55 58.67 63.50 68.33 254.00 101.60 42.93 32.51 146.05 1/2 - 13 12.066 2517 13TR 62294 62292 234.95 68.33 76.20 77.72 298.45 111.25 50.04 33.27 171.45 5/8 - 11 20.412 3030 14TR 62298 62296 250.95 82.55 76.20 88.90 352.55 114.30 57.15 26.92 190.50 5/8 - 11 31.298 3030 16TR 62302 62300 368.30 120.65 112.78 107.95 479.55 152.40 69.85 50.80 203.20 5/8 - 11 56.699 4040 UNC Flange UPC Number BSW Flange UPC Number » The industry standard taper lock bushing is a split design allowing a compression fit of the flange to the shaft without set screws. » The simple design makes the installation and removal easy while the 8° taper grips tight and provides excellent concentricity. » Reduced l eve l of i nventory achieved due to the many other components that use Taper Lock Bushings such as sheaves, sprockets and pulleys. All data above refers to both standard UNC and British Standard Whitworth B.S.W. threads. Flanges are not supplied with screws. *indicates that the use of a 1210 or 1610 bushing reduces the reserve factor between bushing torque rating and that of the coupling. Taper-Lock is a registered trademark of Reliance Electric Industrial Company in the U.S. and Canada. It is a registered trademark of JH Fenner and Co. in the UK. www.jbj.co.uk/s-flex-couplings.html #DriveLineHarmony
#DriveLineHarmony www.jbj.co.uk/s-flex-couplings.html 2 Size Required Shaft OAL G R OD Weight Separation Complete Coupling 2 Mechanical Power Transmission S-Flex Couplings SC Type Dimensions 23 SC Type Spacer Couplings Note * indicates: SC Hubs are available in: SC= Standard Length SCHS= Short Length. 2 indicates: OAL dimension and weight will vary if one or two short (HS) hubs are used. in mm in mm in mm in mm in mm lbs kg 5SC 5SC35 5SCH 3.50 88.90 5.63 143.00 0.75 19.05 0.56 14.22 3.25 82.55 4.50 2.041 6SC35 6SCH 3.50 88.90 5.88 149.35 0.88 22.35 0.75 19.05 4.00 101.60 7.30 3.311 6SC 6SC44 6SCH 4.38 111.25 6.75 171.45 0.88 22.352 0.75 19.05 4.00 101.60 8.10 3.674 6SC50 6SCH 5.00 127.00 7.38 187.45 0.88 22.352 0.75 19.05 4.00 101.60 8.70 3.946 7SC35 7SCH 3.50 88.90 6.38 162.05 1.00 25.4 0.63 16.00 4.63 117.60 9.90 4.491 7SC 7SC44 7SCH 4.38 111.25 7.25 184.15 1.00 25.4 0.63 16.00 4.63 117.60 10.80 4.899 7SC50 7SCH 5.00 127.00 7.88 200.15 1.00 25.4 0.63 16.00 5.45 138.43 11.40 5.171 8SC35 8SCH 3.50 88.90 6.88 174.75 1.13 28.70 0.81 20.57 5.45 138.43 15.20 6.895 8SC35-10 10SCH* 3.50 88.90 8.13 206.50 1.13 28.70 0.81 20.57 5.45 138.43 23.20 10.523 8SC 8SC44 8SCH 4.38 111.25 7.75 196.85 1.13 28.70 0.81 20.57 5.45 138.43 16.40 7.439 8SC50 8SCH 5.00 127.00 8.38 212.85 1.13 28.70 0.81 20.57 5.45 138.43 17.40 7.893 8SC50-10 10SCH* 5.00 127.00 9.63 244.60 1.13 28.70 1.19 30.23 5.45 138.43 27.20 12.338 9SC35 9SCH* 3.50 88.90 7.50 190.5 1.44 36.58 1.06 26.92 6.35 161.29 18.60 8.437 9SC50 9SCH* 5.00 127.00 8.88 225.55 1.44 36.58 1.19 30.23 6.35 161.29 23.20 10.523 9SC 9SC50-11 11SCH* 5.00 127.00 10.38 263.65 1.44 36.58 1.19 30.23 6.35 161.29 40.40 18.325 9SC70-11 11SCH* 7.00 177.80 12.38 314.45 1.44 36.58 1.19 30.23 6.35 161.29 48.20 21.863 9SC78-11 11SCH* 7.75 196.85 13.13 333.50 1.44 36.58 1.19 30.23 6.35 161.29 51.00 23.133 10SC48 10SCH* 4.75 120.65 9.38 238.25 1.63 41.40 1.19 30.23 7.50 190.50 37.60 17.055 10SC50 10SCH* 5.00 127.00 9.63 244.60 1.63 41.40 1.88 47.75 7.50 190.50 38.40 17.418 10SC 10SC70-13 13SCH* 7.00 177.80 13.63 346.20 1.63 41.40 1.88 47.75 7.50 190.50 72.00 32.659 10SC78-13 13SCH* 7.75 196.85 14.38 365.25 1.63 41.40 1.88 47.75 7.50 190.50 76.00 34.473 10SC100-13 13SCH* 10.00 254.00 16.63 422.40 1.63 41.40 1.88 47.75 7.50 190.50 88.00 39.916 11SC48 11SCH* 4.75 120.65 10.31 261.87 1.88 47.75 1.19 30.23 8.63 219.20 54.50 24.721 11SC50 11SCH* 5.00 127.00 10.38 263.65 1.88 47.75 1.19 30.23 8.63 219.20 54.70 24.812 11SC 11SC70-14 14SCH 7.00 177.80 14.63 371.60 1.88 47.75 2.00 50.80 8.63 219.20 86.10 39.054 11SC78-14 14SCH 7.75 196.85 15.38 390.65 1.88 47.75 2.00 50.80 8.63 219.20 90.30 40.959 11SC100-14 14SCH 10.00 254.00 17.63 447.80 1.88 47.75 2.00 50.80 8.63 219.20 102.70 46.584 12SC70 12SCH* 7.00 177.80 12.88 327.15 2.31 58.67 1.50 38.10 10.00 254.00 88.10 39.961 12SC70-14 14SCH 7.00 177.80 14.63 371.60 2.31 58.67 2.00 50.80 10.00 254.00 99.10 44.951 12SC 12SC78 12SCH* 7.75 196.85 13.63 346.20 2.31 58.67 1.50 38.10 10.00 254.00 91.90 41.685 12SC78-14 14SCH 7.75 196.85 15.38 390.65 2.31 58.67 2.00 50.80 10.00 254.00 103.30 46.856 13SC 13SC78 13SCH* 7.75 196.85 14.38 365.25 2.69 68.33 1.88 47.75 11.75 298.45 129.60 58.786 14SC 14SC78 14SCH 7.75 196.85 15.38 390.65 3.25 82.55 2.00 50.80 13.88 352.55 179.90 81.601 Use Flange Number Use Hub Number
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