2013-08 / 04 Catalogue LM1 - 008 UK Page 7 Edition Order information Dimensions acc. to IEC 72 part 7 (electric motors) acc. DIN 50347 DMO 8 outer-ø 300, mounting-ø 265, with 4 x M12 centering-ø 230, shaft-ø 38, IEC132 DMO15 outer-ø 300, mounting-ø 265, mit 4 x M12 centering-ø 230, shaft-ø 38, IEC132 DMO20 outer-ø 450, mounting-ø 400, mit 1 x ø18 6 x M16, centering-ø 350, shaft-ø 45 DMO35G outer-ø 545, mounting-ø 500, mit 8 x M16 centering-ø 450, shaft-ø 55 DMO 8 outer-ø 300, mounting-ø 265, mit 4 x ø13,5 centering-ø 230, shaft-ø 38, IEC132 DMO15 outer-ø 350, mounting-ø 300, mit 4 x ø18 centering-ø 250, shaft-ø 42, IEC160 DMO20 outer-ø 350, mounting-ø 300, mit 8 x ø18 cetering-ø 250, shaft-ø 42, IEC160 DMO35G outer-ø 450, mounting-ø 400, mit 8 x ø 18 cetering-ø 350, shaft-ø 48, IEC160 D M O - Type Nominal size 883 cm³/U = 8 1431 cm³/U = 15 2394 cm³/U = 20 6116 cm³/U = 35G Nominal speed 1000 min-1 = 10 1200 min-1 = 12 1500 min-1 = 15 1800 min-1 = 18 2000 min-1 = 20 Basic version ohne Fuß = A mit Fuß = F Output drive flange without output drive flange = no specified Silencer Accessories (plain text) Entry: ball valve, strainer, oiler, maintenance unit, flange Exit: brake, spur-, bevel spur gear-, planetary gear, pulse connections without silencer = not specified with silencer = KS Control (reversing) manual = M manual / pneumatic / remote controlled = MP Position of output shaft mounting position horizontal with shaft bottom = 1 mounting position horizontal with shaft above = 2 mounting position vertical = specify in plain text } Output shaft zylindrical with parallel key (nach DIN 6885) = Z with tapered external threads (spec. version) = Ka = FL = B5 with spur gear i=1,92 / 2,00 with spur gear i=2,75 / 2,80 = ST2 = ST3 }