6 #DriveLineHarmony N-Eupex & N-Eupex DS Technical Specifications Torsionally Flexible Couplings 1) Maximum speed for the respective type must be noted. For additional allowable shaft misalignment information, please refer to the operating instructions. For maximum coupling torque: T = 3,0 • T Kmax KN For coupling overload torque: T = 3.5 • T KOL KN For coupling fatigue torque: T = 0,15 • T , where T > T must be adhered to. KW KN N W N-EUPEX shaft distance S and radial misalignment ΔKr N-EUPEX (single-joint coupling) Radial misalignment ΔK and angular misalignment ΔK as well as changes in gap dimension are equalized in a elastomer r w joint. Values for Δ can be found in the respective type selection tables. S N-EUPEX DK (two-joint coupling) Radial misalignment ΔK and angular misalignment ΔK as well as changes in gap dimension are equalized in two r w elastomer joints. Values for Δ can be found in the corresponding type selection tables. S 58 12 28 34 36 70 0.22 0.75 1.51 0.2 0.15 68 23 48 58 69 120 0.42 1.26 2.79 0.2 0.15 80 40 85 100 120 212 1.13 3.21 6.81 0.2 0.12 95 69 140 160 207 350 1.77 5.32 10.86 0.2 0.12 110 110 225 270 330 562 2.70 8.15 17.47 0.2 0.10 125 165 345 400 495 862 4.0 12.3 25.5 0.25 0.10 140 250 500 600 750 1250 6.0 18 37.6 0.25 0.10 160 385 840 1000 1150 2100 12.2 39.4 82.8 0.3 0.10 180 600 1250 1500 1800 3125 20.6 63.6 135.5 0.3 0.10 200 935 1950 2300 2800 4875 34.2 106.8 216.6 0.3 0.09 225 1380 2300 2700 4150 5750 52 131 267 0.35 0.09 250 1930 3900 4600 5800 9750 73 221 451 0.35 0.08 280 2700 5500 6600 8100 13750 103 313 639 0.4 0.08 315 3850 7100 8500 11550 17750 186 472 1037 0.4 0.08 350 5335 10800 12900 16000 27000 255 708 1444 0.5 0.08 400 7150 14000 16800 21450 35000 343 997 2108 0.5 0.08 440 9350 19000 22800 28050 47500 427 1280 2943 0.6 0.08 480 11550 25100 30000 34650 62750 550 1781 3763 0.6 0.07 520 14630 32400 38800 43890 81000 650 2124 4485 0.65 0.07 560 20130 39000 46000 60390 97500 1095 3119 6899 0.65 0.07 610 26400 49000 58000 79200 122500 1422 3873 8542 0.75 0.07 660 33990 63000 75000 101970 157500 1799 4834 10689 0.8 0.07 710 42900 71000 85000 128700 177500 2339 5608 12225 0.9 0.07 65 ShoreA 80 ShoreA 90 ShoreA 65 ShoreA 80/90 ShoreA 65 ShoreA 80 ShoreA 90 ShoreA Radial Angle T T T T T C 50% C 50% C 50% ΔK ΔK KN KN KN kmax Kmax Tdyn Tdyn Tdyn r w (Nm) (Nm) (Nm) (Nm) (Nm) (kNm/rad) (kNm/rad) (kNm/rad) (mm) (°) Permitted shaft Torsional stiffness at 50% capacity 1) Rated torque for flexible type Maximum torque misalignment at speed utilization for flexible type n = 1500 rpm Size Performance data of the N-Eupex series (single joint coupling) DKr Double-cardanic system of the N-EUPEX DK DKr N-EUPEX single joint coupling www.jbj.co.uk/couplings.html#flender