Side Load = 126,000 x HP x F RPM x (pitch diameter of pulley) F = 1.0 for gear or chain drive F = 2.5 for all V belts F = 3.5 for flat belts For reciprocating compressors and other severe shock drives multiply above factors by 2.1 RPM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1000 6700 6200 5760 5330 4630 4100 3710 3330 3040 2800 1500 5930 5480 5090 4650 4000 3580 3200 2800 2650 2450 2000 5440 5020 4670 4160 3620 3200 2870 2600 2380 2180 Allowable Side Load - Maximum Distance X Millimetres (Inches) 2200 5280 4890 4540 4040 3510 3100 2780 2520 2310 2125 14" Double Row Block Direct Drive PTO RB Series Specifications subject to change without prior notice in the interest of continual product improvement. Contact jbj Techniques Limited tel: +44 (0)1737 767493 or email:, your Twin Disc representative for engineering specifications. Patent pending. #DriveLineHarmony 55