Flender backlash-free power transmission couplings available from jbj Techniques Limited

iii #DriveLineHarmony www.jbj.co.uk/couplings.html ® FLUDEX couplings are hydrodynamic fluid couplings which operate on the Fottinger principle. ® FLUDEX couplings limit starting and maximum torque in the drive train and, through the property of rotational slip, serve as an aid to starting the motor, as overload protection in the event of fault and for isolating torsional vibration. ® To compensate for shaft misalignment, the FLUDEX coupling is combined ® with a displacement coupling e.g. of the N-EUPEX type. Couplings designed for partially and fully suspended drives which can be mounted between motor and gear unit or gear unit and wheel-set shaft. Designed and tested to withstand the high forces created by axle loads of up to 32 t, motor speeds of over 6,000 rpm and driving speeds of more than 400 km/h. All models tested under extreme conditions to guarantee maximum reliability. A broad range of products in all necessary sizes and designs as standard. FLENDERRailway Couplings offer: » High quality. » Great depth within an extensive product range. » Low maintenance costs and a high level of serviceability. » Component compatibility with Flender gear units for rail vehicles. » 100% component traceability. ZBG series read info . . . LBK series read info . . . GKG series read info . . . MBG series read info . . . MBG-ISO series read info . . . ARS series read info . . . Railway Couplings Couplings for rail vehicles developed, tested and produced for reliability and safety. #FLUDEX #railway-couplings Flender Mechanical Power Transmission Couplings available from jbj Techniques