FLUDEX hydrodynamic fluid couplings available from jbj Techniques Limited

Type FADS SB ® Fludex Fluid Couplings 34 #DriveLineHarmony www.jbj.co.uk/couplings.html max. (mm) min. (mm) D1 Keyway to DIN 6885 LG (mm) DA (mm) L1 max. (mm) FLUDEX Coupling Product Code Max. Speed nKmax (rpm) Weight m (kg) Size L4 (mm) S (mm) Size D3 (mm) D2 max. (mm) ND2 (mm) DBS (mm) BBS (mm) D5 (mm) N-EUPEX D add-on Coupling Brake Drum (Part 13) 38 +1 222 3600 80 263 494 110 5 352 42 100 315 30 165 115 149 2LC0900-0AD9 35 3) 3) >55 60 120 +1 342 3300 400 570 140 5 352 60 120 400 30 250 145 155 2LC0900-2AD9 83 55 140 +1 516 2100 584 706.5 315 8 430.5 100 160 630 30 440 325 222 2LC0900-5AD9 199 3) 3) >55 60 110 75 140 +1 297 3600 >38 55 110 340 537 125 5 352 60 120 355 30 205 130 155 2LC0900-1AD9 68 >75 80 >55 90 170 +1 590 2000 >75 95 170 662 741.5 315 8 430.5 100 160 630 30 440 325 222 2LC0900-6AD9 224 +1 395 3000 65 140 448 602 225 6 391.5 80 150 450 30 300 230 182 2LC0900-3AD9 102 38 80 3) 3) >38 42 3) 3) >55 60 120 75 +1 450 2300 140 512 630.5 250 8 390.5 90 160 560 30 370 260 182 2LC0900-4AD9 141 >95 100 210 with N-EUPEX D add-on coupling and brake disk for stopping brakes D4 (mm) W (mm) Space Dimensions G_MD10_EN_00128b Sizes 395 ... 590 Part 6 Part 7 Part 32 Hollow shaft Output Drive Sizes 222 ... 342 Part 32 Hollow shaft Output Part 6 Part 7 Drive ØDBS ØD2 ØND2 ØD5 W BBS 185 S ØD4 ØD3 LG L4 L2 NL2 = 218 L1 ØD1 ØDA ØD5 S ØDBS ØD2 ØND2 ØD4 ØD3 ØD1 ØDA LG L4 W BBS 185 L2 NL2 = 217 L1