Dusterloh air starters with HY-TACT system » Düsterloh pneumatic starters are used to start up diesel engines and turbines. The contructive design as a gear wheeled motor guarantees a high start up torque. This technology is particularly suitable for starting up diesel engines. These pneumatic starters can be operated with air or gas as standard options. They are independent of electrical energy stores, maintenance free and explosion proof. Supplied as ready to use starter systems with all necessary accessories. Reliable performance guarantees the safe start up of diesel engines, even under extreme environmental conditions. This means that the systems can be used everywhere from the tropics to the arctic and from the desert to offshore areas. Addition of the HY tact system to the standard starter ensures soft engagement of the pinion with the engine gear rim. This system ensures long life and reliability of the meshing gears. The start pinion is gently pushed out to meet the engine gear rim, if the pinion does not hit a tooth gap, it retracts and is rotated slightly ready for the next cycle. The cycle repeats until the pinion finds a gap and can move into full mesh, at this point, air is switched onto the starter to crank the engine. Axial piston motor Displacement (cm U) Starting torque (Nm) Air consumption m min Pressure (bar) Power (kW) DLA2.5 500 53 9.7 8 8 DLA2.5V 710 80 13.5 8 13 PS 500 500 53 9.7 8 8 PS710 710 80 13.5 8 13 PS 24/20 850 190 31.0 15 25 PS32/20 1250 285 40.0 15 38 PS 61/20HY 2360 330 47.0 10 48 PS 23/60HY 2360 510 62.0 15 70 Pneumatic starter Type PS500 to PS2360 3 displacement 500 to 2360 cm /rev pressure up to 15 bar power 8 to 70 kW torque 53 – 510 Nm Pneumatic Motors Equipment for Hazardous Areas 33 #DriveLineHarmony www.jbj.co.uk/pneumatic-starters.html