BV series fixed displacement hydraulic vane pumps available from jbj Techniques Limited

BV02 16 Model code breakdown BV 02 G * * * * * (L) * (A) Cartridge type 12 14 17 19 21 Rotation (viewed from shaft end) L= left hand rotaton CCW (omit if CW) Pump type Outlet port positions (outlet viewed from cover end) A= Outlet opposite end B= Outlet 90° CCW from inlet C= Outlet in line with inlet D= Outlet 90° CW from inlet Mounting (omit if not required) Shaft optionsmm (inches) PORT ORIENTATIONS Pump series Design Seals (omit with standard seals and one shaft-seal in NBR) V= seals and shaft-seal in FPM (Viton®) D= standard seals and double shaft-seals in NBR F= seals and double shaft-seals in FPM (Viton®) Shaft end options 01= Straight with key (standard), 11= Splined 86= Heavy duty straight keyed, 90= Splined SAE B Spline data (shaft 11 and shaft 90) Spline Involute side fit (ASA B5.15) Pressure angle 30° No. of teeth 13 Pitch 16/32 Major dia. 22.00 - 21.90 (0.866 - 0.862) Pitch dia. 20.638 (0.8125) Minor dia. 18.63 - 18.35 (0.733 - 0.722) Wildhaber 11.67 - 11.70 (0.459 - 0.461) Shaft 01 Shaft 11 Shaft 90 Shaft 86 single pump