All Steel Gear Couplings available from jbj Techniques Limited


an excellence in engineering The comprehensive service for the mechanical power transmission & fluid power industries. Gear couplings have the highest power density, offer more variations, a wider size, torque, and bore capacity than any other coupling type. They are easily modified for shear pin service, floating shaft type, vertical applications, electrical isolation, limited end float, and can have a brake drum or disc added. While some features may be available on other couplings, it is typically easier and cost effective to modify a gear coupling. With all these advantages, the gear coupling is used on more applications versus the nearest competing coupling type. Gear couplings achieve their misalignment capability through backlash in the teeth, crowning on the tooth surfaces, and a major diameter fit. Backlash is the looseness-of-fit that results from gear teeth being narrower than the gaps between the teeth. In addition to contributing to the misalignment capabilities, the backlash provides space for the lubricant. The loose fit provides misalignment capability by allowing the sleeve to shift off-axis without binding against the hub teeth. Crowning, or curving the surface of the hub teeth, further enhances this capability. The crowning can include tip crowns, flank crowns, and chamfers on the sharp edges. This also helps improve tooth life by broadening the contact area along the "pitch line" (where the gear teeth mate and transfer torque), thereby reducing the pressure of torque forces. In addition, it prevents the sharp squared edges of the tooth from digging in and locking the coupling. Variable Crowning, which varies the curvature radius along the tooth flank, maintains greater contact area between teeth during misalignment compared with standard crowning, and reduces those stresses that cause wear. Note that crowning applies to hub teeth only; sleeve teeth are straight except for a chamfer on the minor diameter edge. While the hub and sleeve teeth are cut to fit loosely side to side, they fit closely where the tip diameter of the hub teeth meet the root diameter of the gaps between the sleeve teeth. That is called a major diameter fit. Minor diameter fits (where the tips of the sleeve teeth meet the root diameter of the hub teeth) are purposely avoided, because a close fit would prevent suitable misalignment and torque transmission capability. Gear couplings use the AGMA standard naming convention to specify the size of the coupling starting at size 1 and increasing to size 30; with a corresponding increase in size (a flanged size 1 gear coupling is approximately 114.3 mm diameter while a flange size 30 gear coupling can approach 1981.2 mm in diameter). AGMA specifies that flange gear couplings from size 1 to size 9 will match up half for half with other flange type gear couplings made to the AGMA standard dimensions. However, while the dimensional standard ensures compatibility of the face to face match between sleeve flanges, it does not assure matching torque or bore capacity. Gear couplings are power intensive. That means more torque is transmitted per coupling mass and space consumed than other coupling types. The resulting relatively small size of the gear coupling allows the addition of attachments without having the coupling grow to excessive proportions. To differentiate the new gear coupling in the marketplace, Lovejoy introduced the HercuFlex trademark to signify the increased capabilities. With increase torque and bore capacity combined with a robust design that increases service life, the HercuFlex coupling gives the customer the ultimate choice. Use the increased capacities to maximize the abilities of the system or downsize the coupling to gain a cost reduction without sacrificing performance. Contact the jbj Techniques technical office for further information. 01737 767493 - registered in England No: 1185469 - jbj Techniques Limited is ISO certificated, committed to international coordination & unification of industrial standards. A range of products ATEX certificated to directive 94/9/E requirements Gear Couplings ®

Page Selection Process 1 Application Service Factors 2 FX Series 3 - 4 CX Series 5 - 6 FXL Series 7 - 8 Coupling Flange Interchangeability 9 - 10 Additional Dimensional Data 11 - 12 RA & RAHS Series Rigid Adjustable Couplings 13 - 14 Continuous Sleeve Gear Couplings 15 - 16 17 - 18 Flanged Sleeve Gear Couplings Lubrication 19 Selection Worksheet 20 Hercuflex All-Steel Gear Couplings Introduction ® The details contained within this catalogue are reproduced in accordance with the latest information at publication of this catalogue. Errors & Omissions Excepted Last update: 04/08/2021

Hercuflex All-Steel Gear Couplings Selection Process ® Gear Coupling Selection Process Factors Affecting Selection The following is a list of the information necessary to assist in making a coupling selection. Not all of these items will come into play in all selection processes. These items include, but are not limited to: • Application details • Type of motor and driven equipment • Motor KW or horsepower • Operating/coupling speed • Shaft sizes and separation • Space and size constraints • Environment (temperature, chemicals, etc) • Balance requirements • Special modifications Steps In Selecting A Gear Coupling Refer to the gear coupling specifications charts displayed with each type of coupling throughout this catalogue. The pictures and charts provide visualization, specifications, and dimensional data for Lovejoy’s HercuFlex gear coupling products. Typically start with an FX Type flanged gear coupling or a CX Type continuous sleeve gear coupling and proceed from there. Step 1: Review the gear coupling series and type as selected to ensure the selection meets application requirements. Step 2: Determine the nominal application torque in Nm by using the following formula: Application Torque Nm = (KW x 9550) RPM or in–lb = (HP x 63025) RPM Step 3: Review the Application Service Factor chart for the service factor number associated with the application where this coupling will be used. Multiply the application torque by the application service factor to determine the total torque required for the coupling selection. Step 4: Compare the required total torque value with the nominal torque capacity listed in the Gear Coupling Selection chart for the desired coupling type. Step 5: Check that the maximum bore size and the maximum RPM of the coupling type selected to ensure the coupling will meet these application requirements. Step 6: Note any special requirements including the between shaft ends dimension for floating shaft and spacer types, shear pin torque, slide coupling details, mill motor tapered shaft data, and any other relevant information. *Contact jbj Techniques technical office telephone: 01737 767493 or email: for any unusual applications or circumstances. See opposite page for application service factors. 1

Hercuflex All-Steel Gear Couplings Application Service Factors ® Agitators Pure Liquids ........................................................1.0 Liquids—Variable Density ...................................1.0 Blowers Centrifugal...........................................................1.0 Lobe ....................................................................1.2 Can FillingMachines.........................................1.0 Car Dumpers......................................................2.0 Car Pullers, Intermittent Duty...........................1.5 Compressors Centrifugal...........................................................1.0 Reciprocating ......................................................2.2 Multi-Cylinder ......................................................2.0 Single Cylinder ....................................................2.0 Conveyors, Uniformly Loaded or Fed Assembly ............................................................1.2 Belt......................................................................1.2 Screw ..................................................................1.2 Conveyors, Heavy Duty Not Uniformly FedAssembly......................................................1.5 Belt......................................................................1.5 Oven ...................................................................1.5 Reciprocating ......................................................2.0 Screw ..................................................................1.5 Shaker.................................................................1.5 Cranes andHoists1 Main Hoists..........................................................2.0 Reversing............................................................2.0 Skip Hoists ..........................................................2.0 Trolley Drive ........................................................2.0 Bridge Drive.........................................................2.0 Crushers Ore. .....................................................................3.0 Stone...................................................................3.0 Dredges Conveyors...........................................................2.0 Cutter Head Drives ..............................................2.0 ManoeuvringWinches.........................................2.0 Pumps.................................................................2.0 Fans Centrifugal...........................................................1.0 Cooling Towers Forced Draft................................1.5 Feeders Screw ..................................................................1.5 Generators Not Welding.........................................................1.0 Welding ...............................................................1.5 Hammer Mills. ....................................................2.0 LaundryWashers Reversing............................................................1.5 Lumber Industry Barkers—DrumType...........................................2.0 Edger Feed..........................................................2.0 Live Rolls.............................................................2.0 Log Haul—Incline. ...............................................2.0 Log Haul—Well Type.. .........................................2.0 Off Bearing Rolls..................................................2.0 Planer Feed Chains ...........................................1.75 Planer Tilting Hoist.............................................1.75 Planer Floor Chains ...........................................1.75 Slab Conveyor.....................................................1.5 Sorting Table .......................................................1.5 Trimmer Feed......................................................1.5 Machine Tools Bending Roll. .......................................................2.0 Punch Press, Gear Driven ...................................2.0 TappingMachines. ..............................................2.0 Main Drives .........................................................1.5 Auxiliary Drives....................................................1.5 Metal Mills DrawBench—Carriage .......................................2.0 DrawBench—Main Drive ....................................2.0 FormingMachines...............................................2.0 Slitters .................................................................1.5 Table Conveyors Non-Reversing ..................................................2.25 Reversing............................................................2.5 Wire Drawing & FlatteningMachine ..............................................2.0 WireWindingMachine.......................................1.75 Metal RollingMills BloomingMills .....................................................2.5 Coilers, hot mill ....................................................2.0 Coilers, coldmill...................................................1.5 ColdMills.............................................................2.0 Cooling Beds .....................................................1.75 Door Openers......................................................2.0 DrawBenches .....................................................2.0 Edger Drives......................................................1.75 Feed Rolls, ReversingMills..................................3.5 Furnace Pushers .................................................2.5 Hot Mills...............................................................3.0 Ingot Cars............................................................2.5 Kick-outs .............................................................2.5 Manipulators .......................................................3.0 Merchant Mills .....................................................3.0 Piercers...............................................................3.0 Pusher Rams.......................................................2.5 Reel Drives........................................................1.75 Reel Drums .........................................................2.0 Reelers................................................................3.0 Rod and Bar Mills.................................................3.0 RoughingMill Delivery Table................................3.0 Runout Tables .....................................................2.5 Saws, hot & cold ..................................................2.5 Screwdown Drives...............................................3.0 SkelpMills ...........................................................3.0 Slitters .................................................................3.0 SlabingMills ......................................................1.75 Soaking Pit Cover Drives .....................................3.0 Straighteners.......................................................2.5 Tables, transfer & runout ......................................2.5 Thrust Block ........................................................3.0 Traction Drive ......................................................3.0 Tube Conveyor Rolls ...........................................2.5 Unscramblers......................................................2.5 Wire Drawing.....................................................1.75 Mills, Rotary Type Ball. ...................................................................2.25 Dryers &Coolers .................................................2.0 Hammer ............................................................1.75 Kilns ....................................................................2.0 Pebble &Rod.......................................................2.0 Pug....................................................................1.75 Tumbling Barrels .................................................2.0 Mixers ConcreteMixers, Continuous ..............................1.5 ConcreteMixers, Intermittent...............................2.0 Oil Industry Oil Well Pumping .................................................2.0 Rotary Kilns .........................................................2.0 Paper Mills Agitators, Mixers..................................................1.5 BarkerAuxiliaries, Hydraulic ................................2.0 Barker Mechanical...............................................2.0 Barking DrumSpur Gear Only ............................................................2.0 Beater &Pulper .................................................1.75 Bleacher..............................................................1.0 Chippers..............................................................2.5 Coaters ...............................................................1.0 ConvertingMachines, except Cutters, Platers ........................................1.5 Conveyors...........................................................1.5 Couch Roll.........................................................1.75 Cutters, Platters...................................................2.0 Cylinders ...........................................................1.75 Disc Refiners .....................................................1.75 Dryers ...............................................................1.75 Felt Stretcher.....................................................1.25 Felt ........................................................2.0 Whipper Jordans .............................................................1.75 Line Shaft ............................................................1.5 Log Haul ..............................................................2.0 Pulp Grinder ......................................................1.75 Press Roll ............................................................2.0 Reel.....................................................................1.5 Stock Chests .......................................................1.5 Suction Roll .......................................................1.75 Washers &Thickeners.........................................1.5 Winders...............................................................1.5 Printing Presses................................................1.5 Pumps Centrifugal...........................................................1.0 Reciprocating SingleActing 3 or more Cylinders .............................................................1.5 DoubleActing 2 or more Cylinders .............................................................2.0 Rotary, Gear Type, Lobe Vane....................................................................1.5 Rubber Industry Mixer ...................................................................2.0 Rubber Calender .................................................2.0 Screens Rotary, Stone or Gravel........................................1.5 SteeringGear.....................................................1.0 Stokers...............................................................1.0 Textile Industry Dryers .................................................................1.5 DyeingMachinery................................................1.5 Windlass............................................................2.0 2

Size Max Running Speed (RPM) Unbalanced Balanced 1 6,000 9,000 1.5 5,500 8,250 2 5,000 7,500 2.5 4,400 6,600 3 4,000 6,000 3.5 3,500 5,250 4 3,000 4,500 4.5 2,700 4,050 5 2,500 3,750 5.5 2,200 3,300 6 2,100 3,150 7 Nominal Torque (Nm) 1,277 2,949 5,067 9,005 15,332 22,998 35,199 48,296 66,084 87,145 136,429 185,154 Max Bore (mm) 48 62 78 92 108 127 149 171 197 220 241 287 2,000 3,000 630-852-0500 Hercuflex All-Steel Gear Couplings FX Series ® Characteristics 3 Flange Style Gear Coupling By incorporating the latest advances in Finite Element Analysis technology, Lovejoy has revolutionized the Gear Coupling. Increased nominal torque, larger maximum bore size and longer service life are just a few of the many advantages of the HercuFlex coupling. Despite the advanced nature of these improvements, the HercuFlex Gear Coupling still utilizes the standard AGMA flange interface to ensure field interchangeability. Key Features » Unequalled bore and torque capacity » 1.5° of misalignment per gear mesh » Improved fastener corrosion resistance »Advanced seal design intensifying contamination resistance » Interchangeable with standard AGMA flange interface

Hercuflex All-Steel Gear Couplings FX Series Dimensions ® 4 Size 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 7 OAL (mm) 89.2 101.9 127.3 158.8 187.2 219.2 247.7 277.6 314.2 358.9 384.3 451.1 OAL 1 (mm) 97.0 108.0 144.5 178.6 204.2 233.7 265.2 304.5 348.5 389.9 420.1 484.4 OAL 2 (mm) 104.9 114.0 161.8 198.4 221.2 248.2 282.7 331.5 382.8 420.9 455.9 517.7 LTB (mm) 42.9 49.3 62.0 77.0 91.2 106.4 120.7 134.9 153.2 175.5 188.2 220.7 BSE (mm) 3.3 3.3 3.3 4.8 4.8 6.4 6.4 7.9 7.9 7.9 7.9 9.7 HD (mm) 63.3 83.5 106.9 126.4 149.4 174.5 205.7 230.9 260.0 286.5 312.2 363.3 D (mm) 82.8 104.3 129.6 156.6 182.0 212.2 249.8 274.7 308.0 333.4 365.2 423.9 Size 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 7 FD (mm) 115.8 152.4 177.8 212.9 239.8 279.4 317.5 346.2 388.9 425.5 457.2 527.1 TS (mm) 54.1 58.7 82.6 101.6 113.0 127.3 144.5 169.7 195.3 214.4 231.9 263.7 CL (mm) 1.7 1.8 1.8 2.6 2.3 2.4 3.4 3.5 5.0 4.9 4.0 4.8 P (mm) 0.3 3.0 3.0 4.6 9.4 12.7 15.7 16.5 16.5 26.9 22.9 38.0 P 1 (mm) 8.1 9.1 20.3 24.4 26.4 27.2 33.3 43.4 50.7 57.9 58.7 71.2 G (mm) 3.3 3.3 3.3 4.8 4.8 6.4 6.4 7.9 7.9 7.9 7.9 9.7 G 1 (mm) 11.2 9.4 20.6 24.6 21.8 20.8 23.9 34.8 42.2 38.9 43.7 42.9 G 2 (mm) 19.1 15.5 37.8 44.5 38.9 35.3 41.4 61.7 76.5 69.8 79.5 76.2 FX Dimensions (Standard Hubs)

Max Running Speed (RPM) Size 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 7 Nominal Torque (Nm) 1,277 2,949 5,067 9,005 15,332 22,998 35,199 48,296 66,084 87,145 136,429 185,154 Max Bore (mm) 48 62 78 92 108 127 149 171 197 220 241 287 Unbalanced 6,000 5,500 5,000 4,400 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,700 2,500 2,200 2,100 2,000 Balanced 9,000 8,250 7,500 6,600 6,000 5,250 4,500 4,050 3,750 3,300 3,150 3,000 Hercuflex All-Steel Gear Couplings CX Series ® Characteristics Key Features » Unequalled bore and torque capacity » 1.5° of misalignment per gear mesh » Improved corrosion resistance »Advanced seal design intensifying contamination resistance Continuous Sleeve Style Gear Coupling The HercuFlex coupling family has expanded to include the continuous sleeve gear coupling. Utilizing the same industry leading design expertise as seen in the FX style, Lovejoy has incorporated multiple innovations to yield previously unseen bore and torque capacity in the Continuous Sleeve gear coupling segment. 5

Hercuflex All-Steel Gear Couplings CX Series Dimensions ® CX Dimensions (Standard Hubs) Size 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 7 OAL (mm) 92.2 101.9 127.3 158.8 187.2 219.2 247.7 277.6 314.2 358.9 384.3 451.1 OAL 1 (mm) 100.1 108.0 144.5 178.6 204.2 233.7 265.2 304.5 348.5 389.9 420.1 484.4 OAL 2 (mm) 108.0 114.0 161.8 198.4 221.2 248.2 282.7 331.5 382.8 420.9 455.9 517.7 LTB (mm) 42.9 49.3 62.0 77.0 91.2 106.4 120.7 134.9 153.2 175.5 188.2 220.7 BSE (mm) 3.3 3.3 3.3 4.8 4.8 6.4 6.4 7.9 7.9 7.9 7.9 9.7 HD (mm) 63.3 83.5 106.9 126.4 149.4 174.5 205.7 230.9 260.0 286.5 312.2 363.3 OD (mm) 82.8 104.3 129.6 156.6 182.0 212.2 249.8 274.7 308.0 333.4 365.2 423.9 TS (mm) 54.1 58.7 82.6 101.6 113.0 127.3 144.5 169.7 195.3 214.4 231.9 263.7 Size 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 7 P (mm) -1.55 1.3 0.0 2.6 9.3 16.7 19.5 17.3 15.3 25.0 20.9 37.0 P 1 (mm) 4.8 7.4 17.3 22.4 26.3 31.2 37.0 44.2 49.6 55.9 56.7 70.3 G (mm) 3.3 3.3 3.3 4.8 4.8 6.4 6.4 7.9 7.9 7.9 7.9 9.7 G 1 (mm) 11.2 9.4 20.6 24.6 21.8 20.8 23.9 34.8 42.2 38.9 43.7 42.9 G 2 (mm) 19.1 15.5 37.8 44.5 38.9 35.3 41.4 61.7 76.5 69.8 79.5 76.2 LS (mm) 92.2 98.9 126.9 153.3 168.3 185.6 208.5 242.7 283.3 308.7 342.3 376.8 CL (mm) 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.3 2.3 2.3 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 6

Hercuflex All-Steel Gear Couplings FXL Series ® Key Features » Unequalled bore and torque capacity » 1.5° of misalignment per gear mesh » Improved fastener corrosion resistance »Advanced seal design intensifying contamination resistance » Interchangeable with standard AGMA flange interface 7 Characteristics Labyrinth Seal Flanged Gear Coupling In extreme high contamination environments, Lovejoy has transformed the HercuFlex coupling to integrate an advanced seal design when performance degradation is not tolerable. This advanced gear coupling still encompasses the torque and misalignment capacities that make the HercuFlex coupling an industry leader. Unbalanced Balanced

Hercuflex All-Steel Gear Couplings FXL Series Dimensions ® 8 Size OAL (mm) LTB (mm) BSE (mm) HD (mm) OD (mm) TS (mm) 1 92.2 42.9 3.3 52.3 82.8 54.1 1.5 101.9 49.3 3.3 72.4 104.3 58.7 2 127.3 62.0 3.3 95.2 129.6 82.6 2.5 158.8 77.0 4.8 114.0 156.6 101.6 3 187.2 91.2 4.8 136.6 182.0 113.0 3.5 219.2 106.4 6.4 161.1 212.2 127.3 4 247.7 120.7 6.4 188.3 249.8 144.5 4.5 277.6 134.9 7.9 212.8 274.7 169.7 5 314.2 153.2 7.9 241.5 308.0 195.3 5.5 358.9 175.5 7.9 267.3 333.4 214.4 6 384.3 188.2 7.9 293.5 365.2 231.9 7 451.1 220.7 9.7 343.8 423.9 263.7 Size G (mm) FD (mm) TS (mm) CL (mm) P (mm) 1 3.3 115.8 54.1 1.7 0.3 1.5 3.3 152.4 58.7 1.8 3.0 2 3.3 177.8 82.6 1.8 3.0 2.5 4.8 212.9 101.6 2.6 4.6 3 4.8 239.8 113.0 2.3 9.4 3.5 6.4 279.4 127.3 2.4 12.7 4 6.4 317.5 144.5 3.4 15.7 4.5 7.9 346.2 169.7 3.5 16.5 5 7.9 388.9 195.3 5.0 16.5 5.5 7.9 425.5 214.4 4.9 26.9 6 7.9 457.2 231.9 4.0 22.9 7 9.7 527.1 263.7 4.8 38.0 FXL Dimensions (Standard Hubs)

Hercuflex All-Steel Gear Couplings Coupling Flange Interchangability ® 9 Lovejoy® HercuFlex Gear Coupling Flange Interchangeability* Shrouded Bolts Exposed Bolts *Note: Special fasteners may be required. 1,277 (Nm) 2,949 5,067 9,005 15,332 22,998 35,199 48,296 66,084 87,145 136,429 185,154 904 (Nm) 1,695 4,406 7,830 13,332 19,998 30,608 41,883 57,464 75,779 118,634 161,004 858 (Nm) 2,135 3,559 6,406 10,677 17,083 24,913 34,166 49,115 64,775 84,705 113,889 1,139 (Nm) 2,349 4,271 7,474 12,101 18,507 30,608 41,997 56,594 74,028 90,399 135,243 858 (Nm) 2,135 3,559 6,406 11,411 17,095 26,664 36,607 49,826 65,532 85,756 (Nm) (Nm) (Nm) (Nm) (Nm) 1,277 2,949 5,067 9,005 15,332 22,998 35,199 48,296 66,084 87,145 904 1,695 4,406 7,830 13,332 19,998 30,608 41,883 57,464 75,779 858 2,135 3,559 6,406 10,677 17,083 24,913 34,166 49,115 64,775 1,139 2,349 4,271 7,474 12,101 18,507 30,608 41,997 56,594 74,028 858 2,135 3,559 6,406 11,411 17,095 26,664 36,607 49,826 65,532

Hercuflex All-Steel Gear Couplings Coupling Flange Interchangability ® 10 (Nm) 1,921 3,559 6,406 11,411 16,722 26,664 35,929 49,826 65,531 85,756 131,063 (Nm) 1,921 3,559 6,406 11,411 16,722 26,664 35,929 49,826 65,531 85,756 131,063 847 (Nm) 1,706 3,559 6,406 10,677 16,383 24,970 33,895 46,324 60,560 78,299 114,115 712 (Nm) 2,689 4,587 7,423 12,202 18,755 29,828 41,239 55,250 81,914 104,511 157,050 1,435 (Nm) 1,921 3,559 6,056 10,677 16,044 24,179 36,607 47,002 62,255 84,739 116,714 859 (Nm) (Nm) (Nm) (Nm) (Nm) 1,921 3,559 6,406 11,411 16,722 26,664 35,929 49,826 65,531 1,921 3,559 6,406 11,411 16,722 26,664 35,929 49,826 65,531 847 1,706 3,559 6,406 10,677 16,383 24,970 33,895 46,324 60,560 712 2,689 4,587 7,423 12,202 18,755 29,828 41,239 55,250 81,914 1,435 1,921 3,559 6,056 10,677 16,044 24,179 36,607 47,002 62,255 859

Hercuflex All-Steel Gear Couplings Additional Dimensional Data ® 11 63.3 (mm) 83.5 106.9 126.4 149.4 174.5 205.7 230.9 260.0 286.5 312.2 363.3 37.3 37.3 46.7 62.74 76.20 76.20 101.60 101.60 127.00 Solid Solid Solid (mm) 69.85 79.50 92.20 107.19 112.52 117.35 126.24 131.83 128.52 141.22 143.51 177.80 (mm) 11.18 14.48 14.48 19.05 25.91 33.27 37.33 38.10 40.39 50.04 45.97 63.50 19.05 (mm) (mm) 20.57 31.75 38.862 42.93 47.75 54.86 65.02 74.68 81.03 81.79 96.77 12.70 14.22 15.75 19.05 22.35 25.40 28.45 31.75 38.10 44.45 60.45 60.45 (mm) 42.9 49.3 62.0 77. 91.2 106.4 120.7 134.9 153.2 175.5 188.2 220.7 101.60 (mm) (mm) 114.30 139.70 165.10 177.80 190.50 209.55 228.60 241.30 266.70 285.75 335.03 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 7 HD Bore RSB L1 L2 L3 TW Standard LTB Universal Hub LTB1 Size 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5.0 5.5 6 7 Size None None 85.85 100.08 125.48 141.22 163.58 187.45 203.20 228.60 247.65 295.40 B.C. Diameter (mm) None None 12.70 14.22 19.05 19.05 23.88 23.88 28.70 38.10 38.10 38.10 H 0

Hercuflex All-Steel Gear Couplings Additional Dimensional Data ® 12 42.16 47.75 60.45 73.15 84.07 96.77 107.95 122.17 139.70 152.40 169.93 187.45 LS (mm) 11.13 11.13 11.13 13.49 13.49 16.66 16.66 16.66 26.19 26.19 B.C. Dia. (mm) 14.22 19.05 19.05 22.35 22.35 28.70 28.70 28.70 38.10 38.10 25.40 28.70 W (mm) 2.29 2.29 2.29 2.29 2.29 2.29 4.83 4.83 4.83 4.83 6.35 7.87 DC (mm) 115.82 152.40 177.80 212.85 239.78 279.40 317.50 346.20 388.87 425.45 457.20 527.05 FD (mm) 76.962 99.314 124.21 147.57 170.94 196.34 229.11 256.03 288.54 319.53 349.25 402.84 CBD (mm) 95.25 122.24 149.30 180.98 206.38 241.30 279.40 304.80 342.90 368.30 400.05 463.55 38.10 50.80 57.15 69.85 69.85 82.55 82.55 82.55 107.95 76.20 82.55 88.90 Length (mm) 16.00 22.35 22.35 25.40 25.40 31.75 31.75 31.75 42.93 28.70 30.23 33.27 Min Body (mm) 27.00 36.53 35.71 42.06 42.06 54.76 54.76 29.36 73.03 44.45 47.63 53.98 Max Grip (mm) 16.26 20.57 20.57 26.92 26.92 33.27 33.27 33.27 39.62 39.62 CBD1 (mm) 6.35 6.35 6.35 7.87 7.87 9.65 9.65 9.65 14.22 14.22 L (mm) 95.25 122.40 147.64 177.80 203.20 235.74 269.88 298.45 334.96 366.70 B.C. Dia. (mm) Length (mm) Min Body (mm) Max Grip (mm) 20.57 25.40 25.40 31.75 31.75 38.10 38.10 38.10 50.80 50.80 7.14 7.14 7.14 9.53 9.53 11.13 11.13 11.13 15.88 15.88 UNF UNF

Motor & Pump Hubs Motor & Pump Hubs HP/100 Nominal Thrust Min Bore Max Bore RPM Torque Capacity Size Nm kg mm mm 1125 2.7 2041 11 29 1625 8.0 4989 16 42 2125 17.9 14061 18 54 2625 33.8 14061 22 67 2875 44.4 14061 22 73 3125 57.0 18597 30 79 3875 109.0 33112 31 98 5000 310.0 72574 60 127 6000 404.0 136077 73 152 7250 712.0 136077 101 184 8500 1148.0 158757 101 216 10500 2164.0 192 569 1274 2406 3161 4058 7761 22074 28768 50700 81747 154095 181436 127 Hercuflex All-Steel Gear Couplings RA & RAHS Series Rigid Adjustable Couplings ® 13 Characteristics Ordering Information » Application: Driver and Driven. » Power: Motor horspower or torque requirement. »Speed: Motor Speed or Driven RPM. »Distance between shaft ends (BSE). »Shaft sizes. » Adjusting nut threads. » Amount of thrust on either or both shafts. »Submit drawing if available. Key Features »Axial positioning of the pump impeller in vertical pump applications » Clearance fit bores allows for easy installation and maintenance for pump and/or motor » Easily adjustable for vertical clearance » Removable spacer for easy maintenance »AISI 1045 Steel » Stainless Steel coupling also available 267

Hercuflex All-Steel Gear Couplings RA & RAHS Series Rigid Adjustable Couplings ® 14 Upper Hub - Motor Lower hub - Pump Spacer Adjusting Nut, Threaded Washer, Split RA and RAHS Accessory Kit RA and RAHS Accessory Kit RA and RAHS Type Dimensional Data STD OAL SL D1 D2 S B.C. Type II Type IV Std Min BOLTS Dia Size (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Qty Size (mm) 1125 133.35 242.82 22.35 44.45 31.75 112.78 41.40 4 1/4 - 28 60.33 1625 152.40 261.87 22.35 63.50 44.45 112.78 44.45 6 5/16 - 24 82.55 2125 181.10 290.58 25.40 79.50 57.15 112.78 66.80 6 1/2 - 20 107.95 2625 238.25 347.73 28.70 98.55 69.85 112.78 66.80 6 1/2 - 20 125.43 2875 263.65 373.13 35.05 111.25 76.20 112.78 73.15 6 1/2 - 20 138.13 3125 292.10 401.57 41.40 117.60 82.55 112.78 73.15 8 1/2 - 20 147.65 3875 323.85 433.32 44.45 149.35 101.60 112.78 79.50 6 3/4 - 16 193.68 5000 381.00 NO STD 61.98 190.50 130.30 NO STD 114.30 8 1 - 14 254.00 6000 530.35 NO STD 101.60 228.60 155.70 NO STD 120.65 10 1 - 14 292.10 7250 639.83 NO STD 120.65 273.05 187.45 NO STD 179.32 14 1 - 14 336.55 7500 852.42 NO STD 168.40 317.50 219.20 NO STD 185.67 12 1-1/8 - 12 381.00 10500 1039.90 NO STD FD (mm) 76.20 101.60 130.30 149.35 162.05 171.45 227.08 298.45 336.55 381.00 438.15 520.70 D (mm) 44.45 63.50 79.50 98.55 111.25 117.60 149.35 190.50 228.60 273.05 317.50 381.00 LTB (mm) 54.10 60.45 71.37 77.72 90.42 104.9 114.30 158.75 241.30 280.92 388.87 474.73 LTB1 (mm) 28.19 34.54 45.72 52.07 64.77 78.99 88.39 117.60 193.80 223.77 331.72 417.58 LS (mm) 50.80 57.15 68.33 74.68 87.38 101.60 111.25 152.40 234.95 273.05 381.00 466.85 DC (mm) 22.61 22.61 22.61 22.61 22.61 22.61 22.61 35.05 41.40 49.28 49.28 49.28 206.50 381.00 270.00 NO STD 211.07 12 1-1/8 - 12 457.20 (Adjusting Nut, Threaded) Ordering Information » Clearance fit bores with set screw are standard. » RA couplings meet standard tolerances. » Inch bore and keyway tolerances conform to AINSI / AGMA 9002-B04. »For metric bore and keyway tolerances, consult Lovejoy Application Engineering. UNF Ø B.C. Ø B.C. Ø B.C. Ø B.C. Ø B.C.

Brake drum Type Two different designs of brake drum couplings are illustrated. One shows the brake drum as an integral part of the sleeve and the two hubs are standard. The other design utilizes one standard hub and a standard sleeve with the brake drum as part of a special hub. Brake Disc Type Two different designs of brake disc couplings are illustrated. One shows the brake disc as an integral part of the sleeve and the two hubs are standard. The other design utilizes one standard hub and a standard sleeve with the brake drum as part of a special hub. Vertical Floating Shaft Type The upper coupling is a Standard Vertical Type coupling. The lower coupling has a hardened crowned button inserted in the plate of the lower hub and a hardened flat button inserted in the plate of the upper hub. The entire floating assembly rests on these two buttons which carry the weight of the floating assembly thus maintaining the spacing between the two lower hubs allowing for flexibility. The hubs on the floating shaft are flexible and the hubs of the driver and driven shafts are rigid. Hercuflex All-Steel Gear Couplings Continuous Sleeve Gear Couplings ® 15

Hercuflex All-Steel Gear Couplings Continuous Sleeve Gear Couplings ® 16 SlidingHub Type The sleeve is longer than standard and is designed to allow for a predetermined amount of axial travel on one shaft. The short hub is secured to the sleeve by means of a spacer washer and snap ring which prevents travel. This type is also manufactured to allow for travel of both hubs in the sleeve. This coupling is also available with a rigid type short hub. Continuous Lubricated Type This coupling is adapted from our Standard Type coupling, except the standard seals have been replaced with the special spacer washers. These washers have a snug fit in the sleeve with sufficient clearance on the hub OD to allow for injection of a continuous streamof lubricant. Jordan Type Used on Jordan machines and refiners, this design is similar to the Sliding Hub Type coupling except the long hub is split and secured to the shaft with a bolt. This permits for quick axial adjustment of the Jordan shafts in the hub.

Limited End Float Spacer Type The addition of plates restricts axial travel to the driver or driven shafts. The spacer makes it possible to remove the hubs from either shaft without disturbing the connected units. Vertical Type This coupling has the same torque, RPM and misalignment capabilities as the standard couplings of corresponding sizes.Aplate with a hardened crowned button rests on the lower shaft which supports the weight of the sleeve. Vertical Floating Shaft Type The lower coupling has a hardened crowned button inserted in the plate of the lower hub. The entire floating assembly rest on the button. Optional construction of the upper coupling would be a rigid hub on the floating shaft with a flex half on the top. Jordan Type Used on Jordan machines and refiners, this design is similar to the slide type coupling except the long hub is split and secured to the shaft with a bolt clamp. This permits quick axial adjustment of the Jordan shafts in this hub. Insulated Type Use of a non-metallic material between flanges and around the bolts prevents any stray currents from one shaft to the other. Hercuflex All-Steel Gear Couplings Flanged Sleeve Gear Couplings ® 17

Hercuflex All-Steel Gear Couplings Flanged Sleeve Gear Couplings ® 18 Engineered Shear Pin Type Shear pin couplings are primarily used to limit transmitted torque to a predetermined load. This in turn disconnects the driver and driven shafts if torque exceeds the specified limits. They are especially suited to protect equipment when jams occur. Components are re-useable after pins shear. The coupling will retain lubricant for a short period to allow equipment to be shut down. Brake wheel andBrake Disc Type Replaceable brakewheel and brake disc piloted on the outside diameter of a standard sleeve and/ or rigid hub. Offers a choice of applying braking effort to the load or driving motor. Double Engagement Half Gear Type Both internal and external teeth in a single sleeve. Can be bolted to a rotating flywheel, shaft or drum to connect driver or driven machine with a shaft extension. This coupling has the same features, ratings and misalignment capability as the standard group of couplings. Rigid Alloy Steel FARR Type Male/Female piloted rigid coupling with keeper plates. This coupling is used when a rigid connection is required between the low speed shaft of a gearbox and the head shaft of a conveyor, bucket elevator, mixer or any overhung or suspended load.

Typical Properties of Lovejoy Gear Coupling Grease NLGI Grade 0/1 Appearance Dark Brown, Tacky Lithium Soap / Polymer, wt% 10.0 Viscosity @ 40° C, cST >3200 @ 100° C, cSt >50 Penetration. Dmm Worked, 60x 350 Worked, 10,000, % Change 10 Dropping Point, ° F 320° (160° C) Centrifugal Oil Separation, vol% None Water Spray-Off, wt% >3 Rust Protection Pass Timken, OK Load, lbs 40+ Four-Bal EP Load Wear Index, kgf 68 Weld Point, kgf 400 Four-Ball Wear, mm 1 hr, 75° C, 1200 RPM, 40 kgf 0.4 Guide to Usable Temperature Min, ° F Below -20° (-29° C) Continuous Service, Max, ° F 250° (121° C) Short Exposure, Max, ° F 325° (163° C) Why CouplingGrease? Adequate lubrication is essential for satisfactory gear coupling operation. Lovejoy Gear Coupling Grease is specifically designed for gear coupling applications to increase coupling life while drastically reducing maintenance time. Its high viscosity base oil and tackifier combine to keep the grease in place and prevent separation and it is in complete compliance with NSI/AGMA9001- B97 lubrication recommendations. Lovejoy Coupling Grease is dark brown in colour and manufactured with a lithium soap/polymer thickener, which has superior resistance to oil separation when subjected to high centrifugal forces normally found in couplings. Bearing or general purpose greases tend to separate and lose effectiveness due to high centrifugal forces on the various ingredients at high rotational speeds. These high centrifugal forces encountered in couplings separate the base oil from the thickeners. Heavy thickeners, which have no lubrication qualities, accumulate in the gear tooth mesh area resulting in premature coupling failure. Lovejoy Gear Coupling Grease is designed to be highly resistant to centrifugal separation of the oil and thickener, which allows the lubricant to be used for a relatively long period of time. One of the secrets to the success of Lovejoy Gear Coupling Grease is the variable consistency throughout the working cycle of the application. The consistency of our gear coupling grease changes with the operating conditions. Working of the lubricant under actual service conditions causes the grease to become semi-fluid, functionall bricating the wear surfaces of the coupling.As the grease cools, it returns to the original consistency, thereby preventing leakage. y splash lu Lovejoy Gear Coupling Grease is available from stock in 14 oz. cartridges, 1 lb. and 5 lb. cans. Features »Minimizing of coupling wear »Resistance to water washing »Corrosion and rust protection »High load carrying capabilities »Extended relubrication frequency »Use at temperatures up to 163° C »Stays in place under high speeds »Resistance to centrifugal separation »Reduction in down time &maintenance cost Lovejoy Gear Coupling Grease has a consistency which overlaps the NLGI grades 0 and 1. This grease is specially formulated with a lithium/polymer thickener and fortified with corrosion, oxidation, extreme pressure, and a effective rust inhibitor additive package. Hercuflex All-Steel Gear Couplings Lubrication ® 19

Hercuflex All-Steel Gear Couplings Selection worksheet ® Fill in, scan and email or fax to jbj Techniques Technical office, email:, fax: +44(0)1737 772041, telephone: +44(0)1737 767493 20 (Nm) Nm 9550 kW kW width kW

an excellence in engineering jbj Techniques and the BLOODHOUND SSC project

an excellence in engineering Specialist power transmission supplier jbj Techniques Limited, of Redhill, Surrey, were recently contacted by the staff of Bloodhound SSC R&D engineering team to solve a problem on the fuel pump test rig. jbj Techniques had worked with various team members in the past and this previous experience made ‘jbj’ an easy choice to assist with this project. The scope of supply was to produce a suitable drive coupling with a maximum diameter of 160mm which is capable of transmitting 550Nm @ 10,000 rpm, needed to be as short an assembly as possible and at the same time be able to accept misalignment within the drive-train. ‘jbj’ proposed a Sier Bath coupling from their principles RL Hydraulics in Germany who are a wholly owned subsidiary of Lovejoy Inc. in the USA. The high torque capacity of the coupling meant that, when assembled, it fitted perfectly within the existing adaptor arrangement and the crown tooth gear form on the coupling allows for relatively high misalignment without transferring loads between the shafts. ‘jbj’ had the blank parts in stock having a comprehensive stock of power transmission couplings of many types and designs. jbj Techniques are well known for this, being able to provide customers with essential quick turnaround to keep industrial downtime to an absoluteminimum. jbj Techniques’s proposed solution required a special drive shaft, which when connected to the output flange of an automotive gearbox enabled easy assembly of the Sier Bath Unit. 3D models were then supplied and approved by the Bloodhound team and after manufacture the complete assembly was dynamically balanced to ensure that the coupling operated without generating any additional forces. The fuel pump is the pump for the rocket, effectively it's an end suction centrifugal pump driven by a Jaguar 'F' type V8 engine. It’s roll is to pump the oxidizing agent (hydrogen peroxide) into the rocket engine Rocket “fuel pump” test rig. product specification team of design engineers to assist in design process simple or complex, standard or bespoke. prompt product supply large stocks for next day delivery on many items. machine shop full machining services for bespoke designs. “ ”

an excellence in engineering The coupling under went dynamic balancing before delivery because of the high speeds it needed to perform at. The specification was 550Nm at 10,000rpm and it had to be 160mm maximum diameter, as short as possible, fit to an automotive output fl a n g e a n d a l l o w a s m u c h misalignment as possible. Not a job for a simple spider coupling! The Lovejoy ‘Sier Bath’ coupling was the perfect solution. Seen below moun t ed t o t he end - s u c t i on centrifugal pump. Slightly bigger than the average road car fuel pump. The Bloodhound SSC taking shape. which contains the actual (solid) fuel (rubber). The other engine is a jet and does not require a separate pump. The end-suction centrifugal pump is basically an impeller mounted within a volute housing, the impeller is mounted on a shaft supported on two bearings. One is mounted close behind the impeller with a pressurised double mechanical seal to prevent leakage. Abearing housing accommodates the length of the shaft and ensures a suitable gap between the bearings sufficient to support the rotating parts. This picture shows it standing on its suction inlet (picture above) flange with the outlet (discharge) pointing to the left and the coupling at the topmounted on the end of the shaft.

an excellence in engineering connects to . . . Setting up test rig inside old MOD hangar in Newquay, Cornwall. Fuel tank. For the test it contains water to be pumped through at the same speed and pressure that fuel will be pumped during the actual land speed record attempt. This flange connects to the pipeline seen here above. This is the fuel line.

an excellence in engineering As a foot note it is a matter of company pride that the coupling specified and supplied by jbj Techniques performed in exactly the way it was supposed to. The research and development process has only added to the knowledge base needed to help Bloodhound SSC succeed in its mission of breaking the land speed record but most importantly of all inspiring the young to be the future engineers that shape the World we all live in. We are all eager to see Bloodhound SSC ‘flying’ across Hakskeen Pan in South Africa, driven by Wing Commander Andy D. Green OBE BA RAF the British Royal Air Force fighter pilot and World Land Speed Record holder. Image credited to Flock and Siemens see for details 01737 767493 quality products for mechanical & fluid power - registered in England No: 1185469 - jbj Techniques Limited is ISO certificated, committed to international coordination & unification of industrial standards. A range of products ATEX certificated to directive 94/9/E requirements You Tube

Getting the most out of your machinery often depends on close integration between all components. An organisation that manufactures and integrates all the diverse components of a drivetrain provides the experience to help you select the best component combination for your application. jbj Techniques’ in-house design team and manufacturing facility provide tailored solutions for your applications at competitive prices with quick delivery. The following examples are a simplistic view of how jbj Techniques assists customers. Hydraulic Adaptors Designed primarily to allow the close coupling of hydraulic pumps to a variety of prime movers, such as diesel / petrol engines, electric, air or hydraulic motors, they can also be used in the connection from prime mover to alternative driven parts i.e. gear boxes, generators, water or vacuum pumps etc. An additional range of engine front PTO adaptors, which provide additional connection between the engine pulley and the driven part are also available. The kit comprises of a and flexible bellhousing drive that are fully machined to suit the coupling driving and driven components. These can be to suit either shaft to shaft, flange (flywheel) to shaft or even flange to flange connections. Getting the most out of your equipment will demand close integration between all components. In specifying jbj Techniques as your preferred supplier, you will have selected a company with the experience to specify, manufacture and integrate all of the diverse components that will ensure the best component combination for your application. jbj's in house design team and manufacturing facility provide tailored solutions for your applications at competitive pricing and on-time deliveries. Pump shaft alignment is key to preventing unnecessary wear and damage to the pump shaft seal and bearing. Improper alignment may lead to premature pump failure. Also to be considered are unwanted torsional resonant frequencies in the system which can quickly cause damage to components in the drivetrain and reduce system life and performance. Improper pump installation can lead to premature failure, increased maintenance costs and reduced production levels of final product. jbj Techniques can advise on the correct installation of into Industrial / hydraulic pumps mobile / marine / machine tool / agricultural / offshore industries and can specify complete driveline systems from their extensive range of components which are available from stock or manufactured to order, albeit simple or complex, standard or bespoke. Electric Motor – Hydraulic Pump Adaptors (safe area) jbj Techniques Limited offer the most comprehensive range of in Europe. bellhousings Designed to connect electric motors with frame size IEC D56 - D400 (0.06kW – 750kW) and can be compatible with electric motor 'B5' or 'B14' flange configurations. Accompanying the metric frame units above is a complete range of mountings to suit Nema and imperial frame motors with 'C' face or 'D' flange fitments. With fully machined , torsionally flexible couplings or available, jbj ensure torsionally rigid couplings the most suitable combination is selected for the application in hand. As an example spider couplings are available in various materials including aluminium, grey cast iron, nodular iron, steel and stainless steels and can be finish machined with parallel, taper or splined bores to DIN, SAE, ANSI or ISO standards. Bellhousings can be manufactured in aluminium or cast iron material as standard, however, units can be produced in a variety of exotic materials on request. The aluminium product range is produced in either monoblock or composite formats giving great flexibility in design and allows for early delivery time, often with same or next day delivery possibilities. For applications where low noise levels are a quality products for mechanical & fluid power #DriveLineHarmony an excellence in engineering

ensuring a continuing high quality service in which customers can have complete confidence. “ “ requirement then a complete range of antivibration and noise reduction components add to the range. Electric motor – Hydraulic Pump Adaptors (hazardous area) Designed to meet the exacting safety standards of the offshore and chemical process industries, jbj Techniques produce certificated to adaptor kits Directive 2014/34/EU II2GD-IM2-TX -50 C< Service Temp < +105 C. Harmonised standards BS EN 1127:1, BS EN 13463:1, BS EN13463:5, BS EN 50303, BS EN 1834-1,BS EN 1834-3. Generally manufactured in Cast or Nodular iron, bellhousings can be produced in steel, stainless steel or alternative exotic materials on customer request. Couplings supplied for these applications are the jbj Techniques 'JXL' pin and bush range which provide an anti-static and flameproof drive which meet zone 1 area requirements, conforming to all of the above standards. Also available are spider and gear couplings which are certified to zone 2 standards. (Contact jbj Techniques for details). An important development of equipment for use within hazardous areas is the wet mount series of bellhousings. Commissioned to research and develop a product that would control the high temperature generated by a piston pump shaft seal when working within cycling applications. A little considered issue is the frictional heat generated at the shaft seal when the application requires the pump to cycle between different pressures causing the seal temperature to increase. This process will often take the seal temperature out and above the levels required by the relevant ATEX standards requirement. This specially designed assembly allows a pumped cooling flow to be passed over the seal face and through an auxiliary cooler, this in turn reduces the seal face temperature which can be maintained at an acceptable level. With a vast array of components to select from, jbj are well placed to provide all required components to support the required cooling system. Diesel Engine – Hydraulic Pump Adaptors A complete range of bellhousing and couplings exist for the connection of a diesel engine flywheel to a specified driven component, be it an oil hydraulic pump, water pump, generator or similar device. With the bellhousing available in various materials to suit all application areas. With a standard range to connect Diesel engines with SAE dimensions from SAE '6' to SAE '0' jbj are well placed to satisfy the majority of customer requirements. Couplings to complete the assembly are available in either torsionally flexible or torsionally rigid design ad can be supplied to suit SAE flywheel dimensions from SAE 6.5” to SAE 18”. For hydraulic pumps to be mounted to engines that do not conform to SAE dimensions, we offer a full range of assembly parts, some of which (but not all) are shown here » for diesel engines All bellhousings within this range can be finished machined to accept any, piston, vane or gear pump interfaces requested by customer. As with the electric motor range of product jbj offer complete solutions for ATEX environments, using our well proven 'JXL' coupling range which has standard design to connect to the engine flywheel. Directive 2014/34/EU II2GD-IM2-TX -50°C ≤ Service Temp ≤ +105°C. Harmonised Standards: BS EN 1127:1 BS EN 13463:1 BS EN 13463:5 BS EN 50303. Petrol Engine – Hydraulic Pump Adaptors Petrol engine adaptors have been developed for use with industrial petrol engines. Design exists to suit Honda, Briggs and Stratton, Kawasaki, Kubota, Hatz, Mag, Robin, Suzuki, Winsconsin, to name but a few, all adaptors can be finished to accept most hydraulic pumps. Adaptors to suit engine crankshaft drives and for vertical mounting are available on request. #DriveLineHarmony to Large Combinations Small Individual Components