All Steel Gear Couplings available from jbj Techniques Limited

an excellence in engineering The comprehensive service for the mechanical power transmission & fluid power industries. Gear couplings have the highest power density, offer more variations, a wider size, torque, and bore capacity than any other coupling type. They are easily modified for shear pin service, floating shaft type, vertical applications, electrical isolation, limited end float, and can have a brake drum or disc added. While some features may be available on other couplings, it is typically easier and cost effective to modify a gear coupling. With all these advantages, the gear coupling is used on more applications versus the nearest competing coupling type. Gear couplings achieve their misalignment capability through backlash in the teeth, crowning on the tooth surfaces, and a major diameter fit. Backlash is the looseness-of-fit that results from gear teeth being narrower than the gaps between the teeth. In addition to contributing to the misalignment capabilities, the backlash provides space for the lubricant. The loose fit provides misalignment capability by allowing the sleeve to shift off-axis without binding against the hub teeth. Crowning, or curving the surface of the hub teeth, further enhances this capability. The crowning can include tip crowns, flank crowns, and chamfers on the sharp edges. This also helps improve tooth life by broadening the contact area along the "pitch line" (where the gear teeth mate and transfer torque), thereby reducing the pressure of torque forces. In addition, it prevents the sharp squared edges of the tooth from digging in and locking the coupling. Variable Crowning, which varies the curvature radius along the tooth flank, maintains greater contact area between teeth during misalignment compared with standard crowning, and reduces those stresses that cause wear. Note that crowning applies to hub teeth only; sleeve teeth are straight except for a chamfer on the minor diameter edge. While the hub and sleeve teeth are cut to fit loosely side to side, they fit closely where the tip diameter of the hub teeth meet the root diameter of the gaps between the sleeve teeth. That is called a major diameter fit. Minor diameter fits (where the tips of the sleeve teeth meet the root diameter of the hub teeth) are purposely avoided, because a close fit would prevent suitable misalignment and torque transmission capability. Gear couplings use the AGMA standard naming convention to specify the size of the coupling starting at size 1 and increasing to size 30; with a corresponding increase in size (a flanged size 1 gear coupling is approximately 114.3 mm diameter while a flange size 30 gear coupling can approach 1981.2 mm in diameter). AGMA specifies that flange gear couplings from size 1 to size 9 will match up half for half with other flange type gear couplings made to the AGMA standard dimensions. However, while the dimensional standard ensures compatibility of the face to face match between sleeve flanges, it does not assure matching torque or bore capacity. Gear couplings are power intensive. That means more torque is transmitted per coupling mass and space consumed than other coupling types. The resulting relatively small size of the gear coupling allows the addition of attachments without having the coupling grow to excessive proportions. To differentiate the new gear coupling in the marketplace, Lovejoy introduced the HercuFlex trademark to signify the increased capabilities. With increase torque and bore capacity combined with a robust design that increases service life, the HercuFlex coupling gives the customer the ultimate choice. Use the increased capacities to maximize the abilities of the system or downsize the coupling to gain a cost reduction without sacrificing performance. Contact the jbj Techniques technical office for further information. 01737 767493 - registered in England No: 1185469 - jbj Techniques Limited is ISO certificated, committed to international coordination & unification of industrial standards. A range of products ATEX certificated to directive 94/9/E requirements Gear Couplings ®