Air blast coolers available from jbj Techniques Limited

Cooling & Heat Exchange RAL Series Air/Oil Heat Exchangers A = Suck S = Blow Additions/Modifications P = Feet A = Change on standard version Thermostat 30 = 30/38° 40 = 40/48° 50 = 50/60° V12 VCC V24 VCC V230 VAC V400 VAC V230/400 VAC B14 GR1 GR2 RAL = Aluminium Oil Cooler Ordering Code RAL Series Example: RAL40/3V12AT40P Model RAL40/3 complete with electric fan 12V ‘suck’, thermostat 40/48°C and feet. The selected heat exchanger is model RAL40/3-12/24V. For a complete description of the heat exchanger consult the product ordering code. For assistance in selecting the correct heat exchanger please contact jbj Techniques Limited technical office, telephone: 01737 767493 or email: 1